When Everything Falls Apart, What Remains?

I am technically practicing silence in a meditation retreat at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina. But I am attending via Zoom and my fingers are on the keyboard. The focus of this retreat with John Orr is When Everything Falls Apart, What Remains? This was John’s blurb about the retreat:



Recently, I included some information about transformation from J. Krishnamurti in my clergy “Insight’s” article.

Transformation is said to occur only when NONE of the following are present:

desire to change the experience judgment analysis justification grasping selfing resisting believing that “I am witnessing”

Since the coronavirus stay-safe-at-home order in March, […]

To Open or Not to Open

Acceptance is the goal — acceptance and freedom to choose what we want and need to do to take care of ourselves with that person.

We can become free of the patterns of the past.

We are recovering.

Progress is the goal.

~ The Language of Letting Go, Daily Meditations on […]

Queen Stinky

For this is wisdom; to live, To take what fate, or the Gods, may give. ~ Laurence Hope

Wouldn’t it be great to have the name Hope! Or Faith! Cope is the maiden name of a friend. My own name (Debra) means busy bee in colloquialism, and she who brings the sublime light of the […]

My Longings

“Strive to be uncynical, to be a hope-giving force, to be a steward of substance.” ~ Maria Popova Bulgarian-born, American-based writer

Last evening as we finished dominoes via Zoom, I asked what the most significant news of the day was. My friend said probably that the Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for […]



It is overcast today Four months since I freely hugged or leaned over the puzzle table saying, “Where do you think this piece goes?” to my companion

In search of where each piece fits Longing for the satisfaction completion brings

The sun is up there Still shining but my world feels grey today

I […]

I Concur

The weather changes very quickly. At 8:45 today, my friend sent a text suggesting we cancel our 9 a.m. bike ride. Rain and thunderstorms were in the forecast. My response: “I concur.”

Concur is one of those words rarely used. It means to agree, be in accord, go along, be in harmony, be in […]

True Freedom

“When the water is muddy and you can’t see the bottom, no amount of stirring can clear the water.” ~ Debra Basham

In the U.S. the 4th of July represents freedom. People often think of freedom as freedom FROM something outside of us, but true freedom is an inside job, and nothing outside of you […]

Don’t Go Back to Sleep

This morning I saw a wonderful quotation by Bruce Chatwin, an English travel writer, novelist and journalist. Although Patagonia, his first book, cast him as a travel writer, in his own mind Chatwin was a storyteller. His true passion was bringing to light unusual tales.

Chatwin’s quotation that caught my eye is: “Man’s real home […]

Skies Upon Skies

“Skies upon skies are available for your flight.” – Osho Zen Tarot

I feel a little bit like the morning after Christmas, or the ninth day of Hanukkah. For the closing sharing of this eight-day Intensive/Retreat—the culmination of a two-year commitment to study and practice—I had written: When I logged on this morning, Dallas was […]