True Freedom

“When the water is muddy and you can’t see the bottom, no amount of stirring can clear the water.” ~ Debra Basham

In the U.S. the 4th of July represents freedom. People often think of freedom as freedom FROM something outside of us, but true freedom is an inside job, and nothing outside of you […]

It is Never About the Hat

I am so blessed to have beautiful, soulful, women friends. I had lunch with one, Jane Foster, on Friday. Especially after all these years, hearing Jane share her story still touches me. (See Jane Foster’s Story)

Jane was telling me about a custom hat she is having made by a woman out west. The woman’s […]

Filter Bubbles

The one you seek, is the one who seeks. Therefore, It’s not “I” who reads spiritual books; it is not “I” who sits ZAZEN, paying attention to body, BREATH, and mind. IT is not “I” who let’s go of everything, but THIS, only THIS! ~ Jerry Ashmore, posted in Empty Circle Zen Group

Most of […]