Queen Stinky

For this is wisdom; to live,
To take what fate, or the Gods, may give.
~ Laurence Hope

Wouldn’t it be great to have the name Hope! Or Faith! Cope is the maiden name of a friend. My own name (Debra) means busy bee in colloquialism, and she who brings the sublime light of the creator in the Egyptian cartouche.

“We can’t control the events of our lives…” was the next line in the daily reading that opened with the quotation by Laurence Hope.

This was also the theme of Tuesday’s meditation group with Sheilana Massey, who asked us to reflect on whether we are living our life, or letting our life live us. She asked, “When things are not going our way, are we trying to make it do that?”

Someone shared a Quaker Saying, “The way will open related to that.”

I asked, “Do we have to make something wrong in order to learn?”

A woman mentioned how scientists and mathematicians are now coming to the same conclusions about the world spiritualists have long held.

I have been dancing with demons expressing as insecurity around lack of formal education, comparing my poetry writing to others, and feeling not good enough. Familiar stories….

Last evening just about dusk we had a surprise visitor at our bird feeder.

Reading in Animal-Speak, by Ted Andrews:

Skunk teaches how to give respect, expect respect, and demand respect.

It is self-assured and confident in itself.

If skunk has shown up, it can help you with this particular aspect.

(p. 312-313)

Yes, I have been dancing with demons but I have come to value the dancing as exercise — not in futility, but fertility.

This particular skunk is absolutely gorgeous. I have never seen one so white or so fluffy. My sister, Janis, named this one Queen Stinky. I like that name very much….

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