The End of Suffering

There will be something, anguish or elation, that is peculiar to this day alone. I rise from sleep, and say: Hail to the morning! Come down to me, my beautiful unknown.

~ Jessica Powers Word for the Day (

Today’s journal entry:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Dear Holy Spirit,

During the night […]

August 12, 1962

The dharma talk was direct. You don’t have to be a Buddhist to practice the precepts. The precepts are practical. I vow to harm none. I vow not to take what is not freely given. I vow not to misuse sexuality. I vow to refrain from false speech. I vow to refrain from intoxicants that […]

Skies Upon Skies

“Skies upon skies are available for your flight.” – Osho Zen Tarot

I feel a little bit like the morning after Christmas, or the ninth day of Hanukkah. For the closing sharing of this eight-day Intensive/Retreat—the culmination of a two-year commitment to study and practice—I had written: When I logged on this morning, Dallas was […]