When Everything Falls Apart, What Remains?

I am technically practicing silence in a meditation retreat at Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina. But I am attending via Zoom and my fingers are on the keyboard. The focus of this retreat with John Orr is When Everything Falls Apart, What Remains? This was John’s blurb about the retreat:


Emerald Isle Musings


We did not ask for this room or this music; we were invited in.

Therefore, because the dark surrounds us, let us turn our faces toward the light.

Let us endure hardship to be grateful for plenty…

We did not ask for this room or this music.

But […]

A Bird in the Hand

Up way before the first bird sings a song of the light soon coming, I wonder if it is breaking the noble silence to have my fingers on the keyboard writing to you while I am still on retreat. The lines are blurry at this retreat. It is being held on ZOOM and people are […]

What Endures?

Sunday, March 29, 2020 was the second (and last) day of the Deep Spring Meditation Center virtual retreat with Barbara Brodsky, Aaron, and John Orr. In the afternoon, I went to Galt Nature Preserve for my walking meditation.

This is the latest/driest I have been here in Southwest Florida. The flora I am familiar […]

Happy New You!

Most people will be wishing you a happy new year today, but I am wishing all beings a happy new YOU.

Attributing the saying that “Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be” did not happen until 50 years after Abraham Lincoln’s death. Dr. Frank Crane included the […]


You have heard it said to be careful what you pray for. This past Tuesday evening, as our Dharma “Path of Clear Light” class was coming to an end, I asked for specific instructions around the practice of Upekka. Upekka is the Buddhist practice of equanimity.

John Orr’s clarification of the Upekka practice, […]

Does the tree still live in your heart?

An alternate title for this post could be: Fleas Have Not Yet Flown.

Checking in with our small group on the Dharma Path (a two-year course with Barbara Brodsky, Aaron, and John Orr) on Tuesday evening, I shared feeling very sad about the removal of a beautiful, big, old (about 60 years), tree that […]


I am starting a two-year study with Barbara Brodsky and Aaron and John Orr. As a preparation, Barbara shared a detailed meditation/dream she had where she was asked what her highest intention was. As part of this process, a high being conducted a sort of interview. This being asked if there were those who would […]

Your Yoga!

Health and fitness are just the side-benefits of Hatha Yoga. Classical Hatha Yoga is a powerful system to prepare the system for a “cosmic download” and explore our full potential.

Recently I was smitten by the title of an article by Stephen Cope about yoga: Everything Is Already OK. When I was thirty something, I […]