By Debra Basham, on May 4, 2019 I am working on the theme of Mundane Made Holy for the Mother’s Day service at Pilgrim United Church of Christ. That had me checking online for antonyms for ‘mundane.’ Here are just a few: One rainy morning this week, I was moved near tears with gratitude for being able to walk over to the […]
By Debra Basham, on April 28, 2019 Last week was a week with loss. Good Friday, the husband of a client/friend/colleague passed. Holy Saturday, the father of a business acquaintance passed. Easter Sunday, a loyal member of Saint Joseph Buddhist Sangha passed. A Buddhist teacher invited me to use the 49 day ceremony.
49 Day Ceremony
When someone passes away, in […]
By Debra Basham, on April 22, 2019 Recently I wrote a poem titled ‘Longing’ that was inspired by an exchange with a dear friend that left me feeling less than valued, wondering if I should have, or could have, done something differently in our past to allow for a more pleasant current exchange.
Sitting heart-to-heart with another precious friend a week […]
By Debra Basham, on April 17, 2019 WORD FOR THE DAY
I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable…but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.
Agatha Christie Visit
This week’s news out of Paris was shocking, and of all times to have it be Holy Week for humanity to experience […]
By Debra Basham, on April 4, 2019 This past winter has been the f-a-s-t-e-s-t in my memory. We enjoyed visitors beginning the last week of January, and continuing right up until the week before we headed north.
Some groaned when I shared that, speaking of how difficult they found it to maintain balance with guests. I would clarify how fortunate I […]
By Debra Basham, on March 29, 2019 I have been wondering about the distinction between self care and nurture (kindness and wisdom) and “distraction.” Might we be doing wholesome actions such as exercise or journal writing, or playing music, without being skillful?
Additionally, I wrote to Barbara Brodsky, Founding Teacher of Deep Spring Meditation Center, asking about all of this. “We are […]
By Debra Basham, on March 22, 2019 You see, I have this weird, but in my experience, validated faith that if I surrender myself to my own words, the ones that came without too much cogitation or premeditation, they will lead me to a place I didn’t know I’d be visiting; they will show me 1) What I didn’t know was on […]
By Debra Basham, on March 17, 2019 Our granddaughter spent this past week with us. It has been six years since she had done that, and it was quite a week! As her mom said, “You cannot spend a week with Gammie without processing!”
Our first processing was my bout with an intestinal bug the day she arrived.
The second processing […]
By Debra Basham, on March 6, 2019 Art is remembrance. It is love. It is like a sword that distinguishes between appearance and reality. ~ Rupert Spira
I have been wondering just what it is that allows some people to find joy or see beauty or create art where it might have been missed by another.
Musing is jogged by such mundane […]
By Debra Basham, on February 27, 2019 You have to love it when lessons come so closely you are able to see both sides of a coin clearly…. That has been my recent experience around customer service.
Stopping by a Little Free Library, I was so surprised by the thoughtfulness of leaving a pair of reading glasses on the shelf!
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