The Substance of All Things

Art is remembrance.
It is love.
It is like a sword
that distinguishes
between appearance and reality.
~ Rupert Spira

I have been wondering just what it is that allows some people to find joy or see beauty or create art where it might have been missed by another.

Musing is jogged by such mundane objects as coconuts and trees and chickens! My sweet friend, Carol L. Myers, with her recent display:

Not only did someone take time to create these coconut faces (below), someone also displayed them where others could share in the joy.

And someone paid great attention to detail.

Artists are like that. Artists pay attention. An artist can see something that has been there all along, but not noticed, and an artist shares what is there with the world.

Butch Farubetti looked at a Norfolk Pine that had been cut down and saw a ‘hidden treasure’ inside.

In The Art of Peace and Happiness (Presence, Volume 1), Rupert Spira says this about art:

An apparent object is never itself beautiful. True art is neither representation nor abstraction. It is revelation—the revelation that love, rather than inert matter, is the substance of all things.

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