Holy Notre-Dame


I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly,
acutely miserable…but through it all
I still know quite certainly that
just to be alive is a grand thing.

Agatha Christie
Visit Gratefulness.org/

This week’s news out of Paris was shocking, and of all times to have it be Holy Week for humanity to experience such a devastating loss of such history and magnificence and relevance and beauty. The Cathedral of Notre-Dame destroyed by fire.

Reminding ourselves of impermanence at times like this, we could/should read all of my blog posts rolled into one message. The message essentially is Agatha Christie’s: Just to be alive is a grand thing.

We might start with Does the tree still live in your heart? and Tree of Hope.

Then move back to Hey, Ma Durga. The following quotation is from that:

“My consciousness has never associated itself with this temporary body. Before I came in this earth, I was the same. As a little girl, I was the same. I grew into womanhood, but I was still the same. When the family In which I had been born made arrangements to have this body married, I was the same… And, in front of you now, I am the same. Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same.”

Nothing—NO THING—lasts forever. We know that, and yet we deal with loss as though it is some sort of personal punishment.

Yes, it is loss. Yes, it is sad. Yes, it is difficult. Yes, it is painful.

But we do not have to suffer.

We suffer because of our subtle judgment, the way we tell the story in our own heart and mind. Today’s Thought for Today from Deep Spring Meditation Center explains that well.

Deep Spring Center
Thought for Today

Subtle judgment is caught up in the story that contracts and says,
‘I’m not good at this’ or,
‘I should be able to do it better.’

I might look at it and say,
‘I can do it better.’

That’s not a judgment.

I know I CAN do it better.

Can you feel the difference?

‘I should be able to do it better.’ Tightness, tension.

‘I can do it better,’ is a relaxed and spacious perception.

~ Aaron

I have been dealing with Comcast this week, updating router, cable box, and DVR. It took me five trips to the store, and many hours on the phone to finally get everything working. Right in the middle of all of that frustration (and I was feeling frustrated!), I knew nothing that was happening was eternal.

Whatever is happening, watch the stories you tell yourself about what is happening.

Make this a truly HOLY WEEK. Give up suffering….

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