Your Memory is Ecstasy

The winter season for this snowbird has included swimming in the river of emotions. We spent tender time with friends and neighbors who have lost their homes, had their homes severely damaged, are still working to repair or adjust six months after Hurricane Ian hit. And beyond all of that, losses of many friends and […]

Sea of Life Not Stay Same

Opening email this morning and reading Neale Donald Walsch’s words: “… in moments when things look bleak — especially in those moments — see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.”

Cellular memory of our daughter Stacey’s move to Tennessee shortly after the birth of […]

Stay with the Listening

This world deserves a kiss on both cheeks on the way out of the door and you have to let people see you do it.

Failure to do so becomes — you are just another advocate but not much of a practitioner.

~ Stephen Jenkinson Since arriving home in Michigan one month ago, […]


“Being engaged in a struggle may give us a sense of security, so that at least we feel that we are doing something.”

~ The Heart of the Buddha, by Chögyam Trungpa

It is another of those amplified times with a roller coaster of emotions. Several dynamics in my life account for the ride, but […]

Grief and Relief: RIP Aunt Sharon

Tender emotions here…. Some of the emotions are frustration. I have spent the past two weeks without resolution to my WiFi/Domain not speaking to one another. Twenty three hours on hold with Comcast, Comcast, Comcast, and Bluehost.

Monday evening, Aunt Sharon Basham passed. I met with her family on Thursday evening, went to visitation […]

Ambiguous Loss

Last week was a week with loss. Good Friday, the husband of a client/friend/colleague passed. Holy Saturday, the father of a business acquaintance passed. Easter Sunday, a loyal member of Saint Joseph Buddhist Sangha passed. A Buddhist teacher invited me to use the 49 day ceremony.

49 Day Ceremony

When someone passes away, in […]

Pass it on!

Putting over 40 years of journals into the bottom cupboard of the new library closet we had installed this winter I was suddenly overwhelmed by the sacredness of reflection. It has been too long since I wrote in my paper journal. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of preparations, travel, arrival, clearing the […]