Nothing to Attain

We are so brief. A one-day dandelion. A seedpod skittering across the ice. We are a feather falling from the wing of a bird. I don’t know why it is given to us to be so mortal and to feel so much. It is a cruel trick, and glorious.

~ Louise Eldrich

We looked at […]

New Frontiers

Sometimes people get the mistaken notion that spirituality is a separate department of life, the penthouse of existence.

But rightly understood, it is a vital awareness that pervades all realms of our being.

~Br. David Steindl-Rast

Today, it is this beautiful planet we call home that calls us home to our hearts. We […]

The Aftermath

You see, I have this weird, but in my experience, validated faith that if I surrender myself to my own words, the ones that came without too much cogitation or premeditation, they will lead me to a place I didn’t know I’d be visiting; they will show me 1) What I didn’t know was on […]

The Appearance of Things

It has been three years since I first watched the film Cloud Atlas, yet, after watching it again this week my fingers move over the keys trying to create an outlet for my unspeakable emotions. I confess that the watching did not cause my emotions, but it has amplified feelings long buried within my psyche.
