
From my journal:

Dear Holy Spirit:

I wrote to Barbara Brodsky confessing that I was not feeling drawn to the Deep Spring Center for Meditation fall program and expressing some confusion and concern. Aaron incorporated to clarify, and I listened to the audio last evening. This morning, I read the transcript Barbara sent to […]

A New Hairdo for Zeus

Will Rogers says if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. That is very valuable to remember!

The twinges in my low back started on Sunday, in anticipation of going to Joel’s overnight to take Zeus, Joel’s male cat, to the vet for de-matting of his fur (under sedation). Zeus with his severely […]

Disappearance of Dogma

If the definition of “dogma” is a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true then I wonder what we call the state of not seeing anything as incontrovertibly true? Perhaps that is the disappearance of dogma….

I have been listening to Kelvin Chin, who was a test subject in […]

The True Meaning of Home

The other evening we were talking about our favorite childhood book/s. Mine was The Boxcar Children. It is a story about four orphaned siblings who must find a way to fend for themselves or risk being separated.The children have a grandfather they have never met, but they are afraid he is mean because he did […]

August 12, 1962

The dharma talk was direct. You don’t have to be a Buddhist to practice the precepts. The precepts are practical. I vow to harm none. I vow not to take what is not freely given. I vow not to misuse sexuality. I vow to refrain from false speech. I vow to refrain from intoxicants that […]

A Place Where All Understand Their Oneness

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.” Golda Meir said that and it is something you live moment-by-moment.

I am navigating this by noticing all of the places where I feel responsible for something that I do not have control over. Perhaps this […]

What Do You Have to Lose?

Ultimately, direct experience is key to fully realizing how we are all connected through the binding force of unconditional love and its unlimited ability to heal.

~ Dr. Eben Alexander author of Proof of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness.

It has been an AMAZING […]

Do It With Love

“In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all.” — Mahatma Gandhi

My husband, John, violated a long-learned rule of relating when he said “WE” would do something that I would never have agreed to do.

What am I to do now?

Gandhi’s point is to not do it […]

Dr. Bernie Siegel

“When you are on the right path, invisible hands will come to your aid.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Imagine my delight to log onto a Zoom meeting of Greater Boston IANDS and see Dr. Bernie Siegel It is no exaggeration to say Bernie is/was my first conscious step onto the path of awareness as self-healing tool, […]

Authentic Power / Universal Human

Fear is excruciating….

Hearing Gary Zukav express something absolutely obvious — fear is excruciating — is the roadmap to living from authentic power which is our highest purpose as humans.

Gary adds: Authentic Power refers to our ability to create positive energy and heal any issue through the power of love.

Whereas our […]