A Place Where All Understand Their Oneness

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.” Golda Meir said that and it is something you live moment-by-moment.

I am navigating this by noticing all of the places where I feel responsible for something that I do not have control over. Perhaps this is a UNIVERSAL application, but the way it has revealed itself for me this week in in 3 situations.

(1) A friend who is getting her house ready to sell.

(2) Joel’s cat, Zeus, who has matted fur that needs attention.

(3) The fall Dharma Path classes, for which the links do not work properly.

I realized these three were/are all revealing the same habit energy of feeling responsible, wanting to fix, and having an emotional reaction to the feeling helpless.

Referring to number 3, I wrote to my fellow students: Note — I am only the postal carrier delivering these messages. I do not have access to fix the technology issues, nor do I have any more information about the classes than you do at this time.

I asked the others to have patience and to support my doing the same.

This morning I stopped in to see Mary Anne’s set up. Mary Anne is one of three Monarch Mavens I know and love. The previous day she had to put her bridal veil into service to cover the container until she can get to the fabric store to buy more netting. What a beautiful labor of love.

Aaron speaks so beautifully to all of this:

Thought for Today

You move into the experience of ‘oneness’— the essential oneness, the identity with God — which is different than unity.

Then you start to know the true divinity of yourself and All That Is. You are that divinity and have always been.

From that experiential understanding of identity with God your whole moral system is shaken up. You cease acting from a place of doer, from a place of ‘should’ or outward moral imperatives. Your choices of action are based on the simple fact that there is nothing here that is not God, so you may not harm any of it. To hurt another is to hurt myself and to hurt God. It then becomes unthinkable to do harm. That is why moving towards this experience of identity with God is so important, because until then the earth will need to be run by moral dictates — shoulds and shouldn’ts, commandments. And there are always going to be those who break commandments.

Eventually, your Earth will evolve to a place where all understand their oneness, and the commandments will no longer be necessary.

It is clear to me that I am filtering all of these experiences through the lens of what Jeffrey Olsen describes in the aftermath of an auto accident that took the life of Olsen’s wife, and younger son. An accident which resulted in Olsen’s “near-death” experience that forever altered his view of the world. This is what the attending ER physician, Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll, had to say:

    O’DRISCOLL: I sensed a divine presence in the room. And then I noticed a light. In it was the form of a woman, floating above the patient’s bed. She had flowing, curly blonde hair and was dressed in various shades of white. Her form was almost transparent, and the look on her face was serene. She looked vibrant, otherworldly—I knew innately that this was the man’s wife. The divine presence in the room was allowing me to view her eternal soul.

    She smiled at me, as if she’d known me forever. I sensed her immense gratitude toward the doctors who were working to save her husband. She looked directly at me and back at her husband, then back at me. Her eyes were intent.

You can read their remarkable story as published in Guideposts Magazine.

Or watch the interview with Olsen, “Knowing: A Journey Beyond The Veil”:

As Betty Lue shares:

July 30, 2021 Loving Reminders- Peace First!

Peace First…… Understanding Follows.

Do you want to understand?
Do you need to know what happened?
Are you trying to figure our what went wrong?
Do you persist in asking “why?”

When we are not peaceful, we cannot understand.
When we are afraid or upset, our thoughts are distorted.
When we are hurt or angry, we think through our judgments.
Emotions confuse and come to faulty conclusions.

The understanding comes when our minds are open.

Understanding will unfold as we know more.
Being open and willing is key to real understanding.
Wisdom will not be available in closed minds.

May the world as I experience it today (and every day?) be a place where all understand their oneness….

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