Authentic Power / Universal Human

Fear is excruciating….

Hearing Gary Zukav express something absolutely obvious — fear is excruciating — is the roadmap to living from authentic power which is our highest purpose as humans.

Gary adds: Authentic Power refers to our ability to create positive energy and heal any issue through the power of love.

Whereas our normal idea of power involves control and manipulation of other people, authentic power reverses this idea to assert that the true sense of power always originates within oneself. When you become centered and align with your own states of inner joy and love, you are able to tap into a source of inspiration and creative genius that few people have known. ~ Gary Zukav

A friend reached out recently asking my advice for his finding a doctor who would respect his desire to safely titrate off mood-stabilizing medication. I responded, “It is the same process as finding anything else we think we want. Get clear on your intention to live from your highest purpose. Ask for and expect to receive divine assistance. Soften resistance around this or anything else. Let awareness guide the way.”

If you act on an intention with fear, you are going to create painful, destructive consequences for yourself (the same as you’ve created before) because this experience in you didn’t just come about with this partner, this business partner, this neighbor, this roommate, this classmate. You’ve experienced it before.

And you’ll experience it again as long as you continue to escape the pain of it by changing the world. ~ Gary Zukav

Almost daily someone is implying that we need to take action against something dreadful. We need to demand equal rights for the LGBT community; we need to protest to protect the environment; we need to demand equality for race, gender, religion. We must stand up for all of these rights.

Wholesome action is, well, wholesome, but Zukav points out that acting on an intention with fear is definitely not wholesome. In fact, taking action that is motivated by fear can create painful, destructive and even excruciating consequences.

The Noble Eightfold Path, an early summary of the path of Buddhist practices leading to liberation consists of eight practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi. Samadhi is calm-abiding meditation, where one intends to not follow the constant flow of thoughts, to not focus on them.

Recent news: a friend hospitalized following an intentional overdose of anxiety medication; escalation of a teenager’s mental and emotional chaos surrounding child-hood sexual trauma; a mothers recent discovery of her daughter’s anger at not having been protected from early childhood sexual trauma.

Excruciating news.

Injustice, abuse of power, corruption, dishonesty and despair is commonplace. These are all manifestations of fear, therefore it does not help to meet any of it with more fear.

Zukav makes it clear: There’s nothing wrong with following that. The universe isn’t oriented in terms of right and wrong, or good and bad. It is oriented in cause and effect – there is a cause, and for every cause, there is an effect, and if you participate in the cause, you will participate in the effect.

Today’s Daily Aaron Quote:

There is no thought for today!

Perhaps a reminder from the Universe that if we participate in the cause, it is not possible to not participate in the effect, so being a universal human with authentic power is totally the right action…

Note* Here are links to the two Zukav talks these comments come from:

Gary Zukav: Become a Universal Human with Authentic Power with Rebecca Zung

Gary Zukav: The Simple Ways To Create Authentic Power with Vishen Lakhiani

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