What Do You Have to Lose?

direct experience is key
to fully realizing how
we are all connected
through the binding force
of unconditional love
and its unlimited ability to heal.

~ Dr. Eben Alexander
author of Proof of Heaven and
Living in a Mindful Universe:
A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness

It has been an AMAZING week.

Sunday, July 18, 2021, I joined an evening Zoom meeting of International Association of Near-Death Studies (Greater Boston IANDS). At a few minutes before 8:00 pm, the woman hosting the room said she needed to log off to join another group in Hawaii. Spontaneously, she invited any of us to join who might choose to.

What do you have to lose? I went.

I met Pamela Johnson, who says about her husband, “After he passed, Alan returned from Heaven to tell me that we are meant to continue to live and work together. He has helped me navigate this otherworldly journey from the day he left. I now see him clairvoyantly, hear him all the time (he’s very talkative LOL), and much to my delight, I FEEL Alan’s energy and his love viscerally. I have never known a love like this, it’s better than when he was in a body! Truly! ❤ This experience has healed my grief to the degree that it’s practically gone.” Pamela says their book, Supernatural Love and Life After Death, should be out in the spring. Meanwhile, you can find her on Facebook.

Meeting Pamela led to my attending a three-day online summit with some other remarkable individuals who shared their near death experiences, and told how that experience forever altered their view of life, and death, and life after death, including their work in the world. The first speaker at the summit was Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell! From Dr. Alexander’s website:

About My Experience:
“My coma taught me many things. First and foremost, near-death experiences, and related mystical states of awareness, reveal crucial truths about the nature of existence. Simply dismissing them as hallucinations is convenient for many in the conventional scientific community, but only continues to lead them away from the deeper truth these experiences are revealing to us. The conventional reductive materialist (physicalist) model embraced by many in the scientific community, including its assumption that the physical brain creates consciousness and that our human existence is birth-to-death and nothing more, is fundamentally flawed. At its core, that physicalist model intentionally ignores what I believe is the fundament of all existence — consciousness itself.”

Many of the members of our Grief Journey group meeting here in St. Joseph for over 20 years have had similar experiences of this continuity of consciousness….

Our group changed our normal meeting time to join Pamela Johnson on Facebook last evening. Afterwards I admitted that I am finally able to honor the NDE I experienced in an auto accident with my dad when I was 12 years old, and I now recognize the miraculous way that experience shaped my perspective of and work in the world.

A neighbor whose husband passed last August told me early Saturday morning that she is “doing worse now” than when he first passed. I told her about anniversary energy and invited her to join our group on Sunday. She left voice mail saying honestly that she wasn’t ready. After our time with Pamela, in spite of numerous experiences herself, one member of our group expressed not being there yet, saying, “I still have too much anger.”

This morning as my fingers move over the keyboard, I am remembering many of the summit speakers. Robin Landsong experienced two near death experiences when she was abducted at age 8, taken to Zimbabwae. raped and killed.

Rev. Peter Panagore, author of Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Is Just the Beginning, came back the second time for his granddaughter and says, “I am now here until this body isn’t inhabitable.”

Jeffrey Olsen’s NDE occurred in an accident which took the lives of his wife and younger son. His story includes the doctor who saw Jeffrey’s wife there with them in the emergency room! Linda B/G had this to say about their story:

    Wow! What an amazing story! I listened to an interview with Peter Panagore and got on his website and signed up to receive his emails. Here are the links:



    I’ve got a lot of listening to do! How exciting!

Listening to Rinpoche teach “Ten Percent Happiness” and quote a sufi master speaking of our true tender-heartedness toward all humanity: What’s heaven? Love in your heart. What’s hell? Lacking that.

What if ALL of these people who have had near-death experiences have shared the glorious truth of unconditional love as our true nature? Safety and peace and love and trust is available to us all NOW. What if this truth is more real than all of the distortions we have believed that kept us sad or scared or angry or depressed or hopeless or helpless?

I do not know if you are ready for REALITY. I do not know what it will take for my neighbor or my friend to be READY.

The most interesting question for me is simply to ask of myself and of YOU, “What do you have to lose?”

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