Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Today is my birthday.

As my birthday ritual I did an audio Mudita meditation with John Orr from an online retreat day April 11, 2021. Mudita is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means “sympathetic joy” or “appreciative pleasure”. It’s a Buddhist concept that involves feeling joy for the good fortune of others.

The […]

Sea of Life Not Stay Same

Opening email this morning and reading Neale Donald Walsch’s words: “… in moments when things look bleak — especially in those moments — see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.”

Cellular memory of our daughter Stacey’s move to Tennessee shortly after the birth of […]

Lower Case “p” in Plan

My face is clear and I have completed two of the five prescription protocols. Three continue for the balance of the 14 days. I am very thankful my face is no longer swollen and burning and itchy.

It is quite interesting how big the little things feel.

It has been a wonderFULL time […]

Dissent with Love


Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.

~ James Baldwin (Gratefulness.org)

Group 2 sharing last evening was active with exploring the question of the value of being ordained (in Buddhism). This was not so much an intellectual discussion, but a […]

Walking in Wonder

Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God puts it this way: Life works out in the process of Life Itself. All you have to do is trust that it will, and allow it to.

My blood pressure was 126/80 at the doctor’s office on Monday afternoon. I reported that I am doing deep work with […]


This post might be considered “The High Road Part 2.”

I learned to think of re-spect as the willing to look again and again.

I am not attending an eight-day workshop Healing and the Everhealed with Barbara Brodsky (January 23-30). It was very odd to not be guided to attend, especially given that my […]

Mindful Gap

Joy to forgive and joy to be forgiven hang level in the balances of love.

~ Richard Garnett

Last evening after our Zoom dominoes game ended, Linda asked us when we are planning to head south. One of the realities of the pandemic: It is difficult to plan.

The one thing we have put […]

“Keeping Quiet”

Deep Spring Center Thought for Today

When you stay in the relative reality box, you create the kind of fights with each other, ‘I’m right.’ ‘No, I’m right.’ ‘No, I’m right.’ You can’t hear each other. You become more and more polarized. And this of course is consonant with the lower stages of consciousness, […]

See Every Event as an Opportunity

This morning I enjoyed listening to Linda Beushaushen Gunter’s sermon, “Life’s Story.” She told the first “version” of her life and then, reporting on the exact same history, another “version.” The first story focused through the lens of things being unfair, difficult, painful. The second told of the same events, but without all of the […]

Common Sense: Common Good

Just when all the chips are down, the chins should be up.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

This morning I could feel a subtle pull to look at media, but everybody knows as soon as a winner of the Presidential election is resolved, that news will be widely known. So, why participate in any of […]