By Debra Basham, on June 13, 2022 Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when you grow up.
~ Pablo Picasso
Yesterday was very busy. I did the grocery shopping and had everything put away before John got up. I worked right up to the Sunday morning meditation at 11:00 and was back online at 1:30 […]
By Debra Basham, on June 9, 2022 We are so brief. A one-day dandelion. A seedpod skittering across the ice. We are a feather falling from the wing of a bird. I don’t know why it is given to us to be so mortal and to feel so much. It is a cruel trick, and glorious.
~ Louise Eldrich
We looked at […]
By Debra Basham, on June 5, 2022 From my journal:
Friday, June 3, 2022
Dear Holy Spirit,
I am listening to a podcast by Ram Dass. (Ep. 199: The Continuity of Consciousness)
“Somewhere between not enough and more seems to be enough.”
At least a few moments go by before i have a thought about Joel — that’s progress. I have […]
By Debra Basham, on June 2, 2022 What happens in your heart when you simply state: “I am Light.”?
You are not trying to convince yourself, but to invite yourself home, to remember your deepest truth: “I am Light!”
Yet, sometimes the mind is so contracted with fear, doubt, anger or greed that the words seem hollow. Then it may […]
By Debra Basham, on June 1, 2022 There will be something, anguish or elation, that is peculiar to this day alone. I rise from sleep, and say: Hail to the morning! Come down to me, my beautiful unknown.
~ Jessica Powers Word for the Day (
Today’s journal entry:
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Dear Holy Spirit,
During the night […]
By Debra Basham, on May 30, 2022 Yesterday morning I received a text message from Joel, simply, “Not well.”
This was the first news from him since Thursday morning, May 19, when a staff member came in and swabbed his nose, testing him for Covid while we were on FaceTime. After that he did not answer text messages, or return calls. […]
By Debra Basham, on May 29, 2022 It has been quite the week…. my blood pressure numbers had continued to be high…. lines of poems kept coming forth to carry me through, like a flower cannot be opened with a hammer….
On Friday morning I saw a Titmouse at the bird bath — the first I have seen here at this house. […]
By Debra Basham, on May 25, 2022 When I saw my primary on Monday she said I needed Zoloft or a therapist, maybe both. I had been overwhelmed with the stress of everything John has been going through, complicated mightily by the situation with Joel. For those new to YBR, Joel has been my co-author for over twenty years. He has developed […]
By Debra Basham, on May 19, 2022 Lately, almost EVERYTHING I read or see or hear or feel reminds me of The Drama Triangle Revisited, one of the more infamous SCS/NLP offerings.
A key awareness of Healing with Language is built on the Drama Triangle, developed by Steve Karpman. The main roles of the Drama Triangle—Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer—are well-known, but […]
By Debra Basham, on May 10, 2022 Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement. ~ Jack Kornfield
This day’s dawn comes on the heels of a dark night. Actually, every day’s dawn does.
Last evening we took John to my primary. She agreed with the medicine list. She encouraged patience and confidence in the specialists he will […]
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