By Debra Basham, on November 7, 2019
I could begin this article with an update on my SCS-Matters domain still being unavailable here on my home WiFi router, or that our underbelly of our mobile home is not yet insulated or ‘closed up’ as they call it and there is snow on the ground this morning, but I will instead […]
By Debra Basham, on November 2, 2019 Tender emotions here…. Some of the emotions are frustration. I have spent the past two weeks without resolution to my WiFi/Domain not speaking to one another. Twenty three hours on hold with Comcast, Comcast, Comcast, and Bluehost.
Monday evening, Aunt Sharon Basham passed. I met with her family on Thursday evening, went to visitation […]
By Debra Basham, on October 28, 2019 At the time of this writing, I am still holding space for resolution with the issue of not having access to the domain using my Comcast WiFi at home that began 10 days ago. This morning I was successful logging in using the unsecure Xfinity WiFi hotspot, and I am on my laptop at […]
By Debra Basham, on October 23, 2019 Holy hissy-fits, Batman, have I been navigating the sacred darkness this week!
Last Friday morning I realized I was not able to log onto the SCS website. I @$$sumed our website was just down for some reason so I sent a text message to Joel and to our webmaster, Rebecca. Rebecca responded that she […]
By Debra Basham, on October 14, 2019 For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who do not believe, no words are possible.
~Attributed to Saint Ignatius in Think of an Elephant : Combining Science and Spirituality for a Better Life (2007) by Paul Bailey, but earlier attributed to Franz Werfel, Philippine Studies (1953) by Ateneo de Manila, p. […]
By Debra Basham, on October 1, 2019 This past Saturday night our daughter Stacey and her husband hosted a Bon Voyage-Slushy Party. Approximately 75 friends and family feasted on Doug’s pulled pork, beef brisket, and homemade Granny’s BBQ sauce.
Here is the crew starting to pull the pork:
Here is the morning after in the back yard, with barely any […]
By Debra Basham, on September 20, 2019 Aaron Daily Quote Everybody wants to be safe and comfortable. For most of you, your habitual pattern around being safe and comfortable is to move into a control mode. And so you try to think it out and plan it out and get it perfect and then rehash the plans and see if they can […]
By Debra Basham, on September 12, 2019 Years ago I worked in a department store that had a pretty large jewelry section. Every time there was a chain with knots (and there were always chains with knots) I was the one who was given the job of de-tangling. I became really good at it.
I am doing that right now as […]
By Debra Basham, on September 6, 2019 One morning I photographed an amazing web wet with the morning dew. Later that evening, I mentioned the web while at dinner with friends. My one friend grimaced, said she hated spiders, and since dinner was in the home of our mutual friend, who was also desirous for our dear friend’s fears to be gone, […]
By Debra Basham, on August 29, 2019 It has been a very full week. Early Tuesday morning I met my sister and brother-in-love at the hospital. She was having an angiogram, with the possibility of angioplasty or a stent, if necessary. After she was prepped for the procedure, we were able to sit with her as she waited. She mentioned that her […]
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