In the Hands of the Divine

Years ago I worked in a department store that had a pretty large jewelry section. Every time there was a chain with knots (and there were always chains with knots) I was the one who was given the job of de-tangling. I became really good at it.

I am doing that right now as I am looking at the threads of events that have brought me here now.

Many more threads were raveling before the one on which I was riding my bike and noticed a garage sale with a double sink. I rode right on by. I did not need a double sink.

The following day the sink was by the side of the road with a sign on it: FREE.

The sign said it was a great sink, that they had just remodeled.

I rode my bike home and then drove my van back to get the sink. I thought it might be able to be cut in half. If not, I would just take it to our local Habit for Humanity ReStore where they sell donated home goods and use the funds to finance home builds.

The good news is the sink was able to be cut in half, and my neighbor said he wanted the other half. Woohoo!

So during the installation process, the removal of the old countertop and sink resulted in a snapped hose fitting, and a cracked water pipe under our mobile home. Not only did the bathroom floor get flooded, but the underneath of our mobile home is wet now too.

Have you been following my summer of mold????

My center of peace was shut as quickly and as tight as our water main….

I grabbed the only deck of cards handy on the counter in my office. Osho Transformational Tarot. The card I drew was #53-Play.

Play??? You’ve got to be kidding. How could that fit?

When I got to this line, my pulse began to slow. “The result of your activity is in the hands of the Divine, you simply do.”

Mind you, this is all unfolding right at this moment as my fingers are on the keyboard generating this post.

I thought the mold remediation mayhem had all been taken in stride, but the residual fear flared sky high with this plumbing predicament.

But the context of these words of advice in the Osho Tarot was unique: war.

War is the most serious affair. You cannot be playful about it, because lives are involved, millions of lives are involved—you cannot be playful.

And Krishna insists that even there you have to be playful.

You don’t think about what will happen in the end, you just be here and now. You just be a warrior, playing.

Don’t get worried about the result because the result is in the hands of the Divine.

And it is not even the point if the result is in the hands of the Divine or not—the point is that it should not be in your hands, you should not carry it. If you carry it then your life cannot become meditative.

I think I am going to make this my new mantra…. the result is in the hands of the Divine.

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