Sensibilities and Sunglasses

Buddhist philosophy offers a list of eight worldly concerns (Eight Worldly Dhammas) that lead to suffering. We pursue pleasure, fame, gain, and praise while avoiding pain, insignificance, loss, and blame. They are laid out in pairs so, like two ends of a stick, you cannot pick up one without also picking up the other.


Out-flowing – Getting Free (By Setting Others Free)

Thought for Today

Imagine a whole world of beings deeply committed to expressing themselves with some kind of beauty, not necessarily physical beauty but beauty of generosity of spirit, of kindness. Imagine a world where this can flourish. Here we have the imaginal cells at work.

So, if we talk about what conditions are […]

A Place Where All Understand Their Oneness

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.” Golda Meir said that and it is something you live moment-by-moment.

I am navigating this by noticing all of the places where I feel responsible for something that I do not have control over. Perhaps this […]

Who Are You Dancing With?

Trust me, she knew who she was dancing with the entire time. She just chose to see the good in everybody. I personally do not think she should change that about herself. It is possible her energy could even bring out the best in the devil. ~ author unknown

Each year I look […]

Daily Inspiration


As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world that is the myth of the “atomic age” as in being able to remake ourselves.

~ Mahatma Gandhi (Sign up to receive the “Word for the Day” from

Signing up to receive inspiration […]