
Patience is needed with everyone, but first of all with ourselves.

~Saint Francis De Sales

One of the daily thoughts I receive comes from Neale Donald Walsh.

This one was was especially poignant:

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know that nothing is ever as bleak as it […]

Daily Inspiration


As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world that is the myth of the “atomic age” as in being able to remake ourselves.

~ Mahatma Gandhi (Sign up to receive the “Word for the Day” from

Signing up to receive inspiration […]

It is Time!

“When you can bring your own energy forth to truly hear others in a compassionate way and can create compassionate dialogue, then you give them a model to bring forth to others who have a more opposite view.

It is this steady expansion of the loving heart we all share that is the greatest […]