Posted May 1, 2013 in What's New

Festival of Flora

May has long been a month filled with many opportunities to celebrate. In pre-Christian times the Roman Goddess of flowers inspired the “Festival of Flora.” Pagan holidays have influenced many of our celebrations, such as Christmas, Easter, and even Pentecost and All Saint’s Day. In modern times, you can still celebrate May Day (May 1) by hanging a “May Basket” of flowers or goodies on a friend or neighbor’s door.

May brings many changes for both of us. Debra and her husband, John, are selling their window cleaning business. They will be helping the new owner (a former employee who knows the business and loves the customers) through this peak season and then look forward to a more leisured Michigan life in the summers to come. Joel is anticipating some significant changes for his family as well, with a possible two-year move to Mexico for his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. It may be truth that the only constant is change.

In astrology, Taurus the Bull is the Zodiac constellation associated with the month of May. In general, Taurus are practical, determined, and not easily distracted from their goals. They are not overly complicated, preferring the practical and stable, while avoiding unnecessary risks. You will find them very tuned in to what brings them pleasant sensations. From nice linens to good food and enjoyable music, they appreciate the beauty of the material world they live in.

In the same way that it is said to be good to be Irish if only one day out of the year, it is good to be Taurus—at least for one month of the year!

We trust you are appreciating our all the regular posts: Joel’s blog; Debra’s blog; Debra’s Tips for Well-being; Language Tips; and the Beyond Mastery monthly newsletter. Also, in this month of flowers, activate your inner Taurus and persist in your goals of enjoying MORE:

Enhance your Motivation….

Become more Optimistic….

Improve your Relationships….

Maximize your Enjoyment in all ways….flower may

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