Posted March 17, 2013 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Old Talk

“…the secret to staying young is to live honestly,

eat slowly,

and lie about your age.”

~ Lucille Ball

Most of us recognize that the US is a youth-obsessed culture, but did you ever think about how that affects your health and well-being? Have you noticed how prevalent “old talk” has been?

Last year 14.6 million cosmetic surgery procedures were done to stave off the evidence of our developing physical maturity. In many other cultures, elders are revered. Wrinkles are seen as the outer symptoms of inner wisdom. By contrast, in America, we had dreaded becoming one of them, even though the alternative to aging is death.

In an NBC News story by Melissa Dahl, a recent study published in the Journal of Eating Disorders links “old talk” to greater levels of body dissatisfaction, which can in turn lead to higher rates of eating disorders, anxiety, depression and more physical and mental health problems. 

People will forget something or have trouble remembering something, and, without thinking, blame it on getting old. This, in spite of the indisputable fact that absolutely no one is more forgetful than an adolescent!

An uncomfortable body sensation is often attributed to getting old, as though we have forgotten as babies and young children we all had “gas pains,” “teething pains,” and/or “growing pains.”

old woman

This week, make a choice to value growth and maturity and the wisdom that comes as we age. Maybe we can start a new trend of “whole talk!”

Small Changes … Infinite Results™

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 
~Mother Teresa

Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips




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