
I am starting a two-year study with Barbara Brodsky and Aaron and John Orr. As a preparation, Barbara shared a detailed meditation/dream she had where she was asked what her highest intention was. As part of this process, a high being conducted a sort of interview. This being asked if there were those who would […]

Filter Bubbles

The one you seek, is the one who seeks. Therefore, It’s not “I” who reads spiritual books; it is not “I” who sits ZAZEN, paying attention to body, BREATH, and mind. IT is not “I” who let’s go of everything, but THIS, only THIS! ~ Jerry Ashmore, posted in Empty Circle Zen Group

Most of […]

Calamity and Collapse

Grapevine Daily Quote May 30 “Truly transforming spiritual experiences are nearly always founded on calamity and collapse.” AA Co-Founder, Bill W., August 1957, “The Physicians”, The Language of the Heart

August of 2017 was a month of ginormous change. We were settling into our new tiny home. My brother-in-law, Jim, passed peacefully early in […]

Daily Inspiration


As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world that is the myth of the “atomic age” as in being able to remake ourselves.

~ Mahatma Gandhi (Sign up to receive the “Word for the Day” from gratefulness.org.)

Signing up to receive inspiration […]


“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Every day humans are making choices. Choices about where we live, what we do for work, where we go for play. We choose how we think, feel, and […]

Still Waters

I watched with curiosity as the last thing to slide off my Friday schedule was lunch with Jane Foster. Although it was nine pm, I picked up the phone and called Still Waters Retreat House. Delcy Kuhlman now graciously agrees when I say I will bring my own lunch. She has served as chief […]

Milarepa’s Muses

I am in a poetry writing group. We are working our way through The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop by Diane Lockward. Craft Tip #12 is about the uses of myth. “Milarepa’s Muses” is based on The Non-Duality of Coming to Know the Light Within the Darkness; Age of Kali , a talk given […]

In the Stillness

Breaking my own rule, my fingers are on the keyboard as I am listening to Claire Zammit sharing the keys and tools on how to activate and awaken even greater levels of your Feminine Power. As she says, “It might not be linear or logical,” I relate. Hearing her say, “You must find and clear […]

Depression (The Secret We Share)

It might be that suicide and depression came to mind this morning after learning last evening that the son of a friend/colleague just took his own life. Or it might be that my nephew has again been back in jail, still seeking sobriety and a solid footing on the path of successful reentry to society […]

Sweeping as Spiritual Practice

I have known for a long time that when I am stressed, cleaning calms me. It was Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul that first helped me value sweeping as spiritual practice.

But sweeping is not just spiritual practice on the physical plane. In fact, “sweeping” might be the most important aspect of our […]