The Aftermath

You see, I have this weird, but in my experience, validated faith that if I surrender myself to my own words, the ones that came without too much cogitation or premeditation, they will lead me to a place I didn’t know I’d be visiting; they will show me 1) What I didn’t know was on […]


Those who know me well know I am a real cat lover. I don’t have a cat right now, but I wrote a poem about trying to woo a barn cat into the house. It was inspired by “What a Figure Can Do!” (Craft Tip 14, page 118-125) from The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop, […]

Milarepa’s Muses

I am in a poetry writing group. We are working our way through The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop by Diane Lockward. Craft Tip #12 is about the uses of myth. “Milarepa’s Muses” is based on The Non-Duality of Coming to Know the Light Within the Darkness; Age of Kali , a talk given […]

It is Time!

“When you can bring your own energy forth to truly hear others in a compassionate way and can create compassionate dialogue, then you give them a model to bring forth to others who have a more opposite view.

It is this steady expansion of the loving heart we all share that is the greatest […]

Love Will Find a Way

The future won’t always be fair.

But we can try.

We can care.

We can choose to connect.

It can be better if we let it.

~ Seth Godin

Many of my days are spent bearing witness to the clarity secure within our souls as our personalities fling destructive BS into our lives. One recent […]