Thankful for Release

Thanksgiving means different things to different people. This year, I am thankful for more than most.

So many people I love are navigating challenging situations; adult children passing with cancer, living with addictions or with those with addictions, recovering from surgery, and money stress (or lack of money stress). At the root of all of these lies FEAR.

In essentially every situation, fear is not ideal, and religions offer many warnings.

Of course, those who recognize we live in an inclusion-based universe realize that telling yourself not to be afraid can be counterproductive, given that sometimes it is not even your fear.

This week while in Tennessee for Thanksgiving I was blessed to visit with a good friend who is a Nurse Practitioner. She is also a healer. She knew immediately that I had picked up some attachments, and this was the cause of the anxiety-driven elevation in blood pressure I have been experiencing.

My initial exposure to spirit release work was in Healing Touch, through Kathy Sinnett, and a very small book, The Unquiet Dead by Dr. Edith Fiore. Her work was studied and performed (and published) by William J. Baldwin in a very big book, Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual.

I was fortunate to be trained by Robert and Caterina Pellegrino-Estrich as well.

One suggestion my friend made is to notice when you are feeling anything other than good. Depression, addictions, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety. These are all symptoms that might be appropriate for spirit release work.

Caterina says spirit release is the first therapy to be done regardless of the presenting problem. Kathy Zerler says if you treat everyone you meet as someone who is in pain you are probably treating them right. Perhaps this is true about energetic attachments, too.

I work in this field and I had missed my own state of attachment. I certainly feel better today.

What else might be possible as you take responsibility to clear your energy field….

Steps to Spirit Release Work and Soul Retrieval

Opening ritual from Angel Gail Konz:

I am the light
The light is within me
The light moves throughout me
The light surrounds me
The light protects me
I am the light!

Addressing the attachment with genuine love and desire for well-being for all:

You died and you don’t have a body.
Your being attached to hurting me and it is not good for you.
There is no hell. All that awaits you is a wonderful light body.
Look for the light. Beings that love you are welcoming you so we can both be free
We all deserve to be free. You are loved. Go now….

You will sense this release, maybe seeing or hearing confirmation as well. Immediately begin to call your spirit back from this time in childhood. You might imagine picking a bouquet of flowers or gathering a basket of fruit or any metaphor that allows you to claim all of your own genuine parts. Others can have their own…

Closing ritual:

I release all energy that does not belong here. I release all karmic responsibility and obligation in and around this work, knowing the work comes from our expanded self and God. I give thanks for the many blessings, above all the honor and privilege of serving.

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