Take Another Look

Below is a Yellow Brick Road from October 28, 2020. The theme is floating back through my consciousness and might be helpful for others at this time again as well.

Need to Do

You must cherish one another. You must work — we all must work — to make this world worthy of […]

Drama Triangle Revisited Again and Again

Lately, almost EVERYTHING I read or see or hear or feel reminds me of The Drama Triangle Revisited, one of the more infamous SCS/NLP offerings.

A key awareness of Healing with Language is built on the Drama Triangle, developed by Steve Karpman. The main roles of the Drama Triangle—Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer—are well-known, but […]

Need to Do

You must cherish one another. You must work — we all must work — to make this world worthy of its children.

~ Pablo Casals

Is this opening quotation, as it is written, true? Less and less I am concerned with being a doer, as more and more I am aware of the importance of […]

Creative Mending

I had some text exchange with my firstborn grandchild, Brad, sharing emotional reactions and perceptions of the current conditions. Some we love dearly entertain the notion that COVID-19 is a conspiracy. I shared with him a recent writing:

Daily Doula Duty

My book, I Learned Everything I Needed to Know About Life Working as a […]