Creative Mending

I had some text exchange with my firstborn grandchild, Brad, sharing emotional reactions and perceptions of the current conditions. Some we love dearly entertain the notion that COVID-19 is a conspiracy. I shared with him a recent writing:

Daily Doula Duty

My book, I Learned Everything I Needed to Know About Life Working as a […]

Our True Nature

The past two days I have been attending an online intensive with a group of dedicated individuals. Most individuals are dedicated to something. This group is dedicated to opening to awareness, also called “Pure Mind.” This particular series has been meeting weekly for the past year-and-a-half. Many of this group have been studying together for […]

The Giving Hat

P.S. When Jane Foster received the hat (see previous post) she sent this photo, and a message saying she thought the hat needed to be named.

She decided to name it the “Giving Hat” because her husband gifted her the hat, it is giving her so much pleasure, and the proceeds that will go […]

Do You Know Who Your Master Is?

Our daughter was sharing a precious “aha moment” she had recently. She works in an industry which has it’s peak adjacent to retail sales— during the months of November and December. As many who are responsible for hiring entry level workers, she has struggled to get reliable help. That has been a HUGE frustration to […]

How Do I Look?

Even in a world that’s being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong.


At no time more than right now, remaining brave and strong is an important reminder. It seems there are more than the usual things to be distressed or discouraged about. In our personal lives, in our communities, in our nation, on […]