Don’t Know

“The truth is that you already are what you are seeking. You are looking for God with his eyes. This truth is so simple and shocking, so radical and taboo that it is easy to miss among your flurry of seeking.

You may have heard what I am saying in the past and you […]

Sea of Life Not Stay Same

Opening email this morning and reading Neale Donald Walsch’s words: “… in moments when things look bleak — especially in those moments — see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.”

Cellular memory of our daughter Stacey’s move to Tennessee shortly after the birth of […]

That is Not Tit-for-Tat

Some of my clearest insight and inspiration occurs when my mind is occupied with other things, for example, while riding my bike or putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This morning I was finishing up a puzzle which had been fairly challenging for my skills and processing a powerful scene we watched […]

Too Deep For Words

When God Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life is the title of a book but it certainly can also become a way of life.

An amazing response from a dear friend to my Happy Birthday Haiku blog post was an immediate offer to purchase a stove for the family still without one […]

Already Is

A friend wrote this week asking me, “So tell me your blog experience. How did you get into doing that? How many people follow you? Is it hard to get it up and going technically?”

It took a bit of thinking time to respond, and, still, I had to start with the easiest aspects first. […]

Everything is Possible

“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.” ~ Thomas Merton

Last night after a rousing game of Hand and Foot, John […]

Happy Birthday Haiku

“Our inner lives are every bit as astonishing, baffling, and mysterious as the infinite vastness of the cosmos.” ~ Adyashanti

Adyashanti’s words speak volumes to me as I am in the pondering process related to culling everything SCS-Matters in preparation for a new website. What to keep, what to save. What to repackage or […]

Good Can Come From This

This post was started on October 17, 2022. Today is now ten days later. I cannot explain fully what derailed my completing the entry, but, say only, a lot has changed during this interim. The post began with this:

On Sunday, October 16, this loving blessing came through Barbara Brodsky:

The Mother to Debra […]

A Clean Slate

On Tuesday night in class the teacher told us, “Karma is never a punishment; there is always a desire to learn.” I was so drawn to the words and to the implication of that truth. A subtle curiosity dawned as to from where the idea of a punishing supreme being came.

When love […]

Invite to Arise and Allow to Dissolve

The days feel a bit otherworldly since hurricane Ian paid a visit to our seasonal paradise in St. James City on Pine Island, Florida. Devastation is the best descriptor. The island has been deemed “uninhabitable” for the unforeseeable future with no power, water, sewer, or emergency services.

The sense of loss comes in concentric […]