Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Today is my birthday.

As my birthday ritual I did an audio Mudita meditation with John Orr from an online retreat day April 11, 2021. Mudita is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means “sympathetic joy” or “appreciative pleasure”. It’s a Buddhist concept that involves feeling joy for the good fortune of others.

The […]

One Piece at a Time

one breath at a time letting it all go again heart breaking open

how many times now? an eternity of time one more breath dear one

one more breath again what more can one do than this? eternity now…

~ A Haiku by Debra Basham February 4, 2021

Just prior to this haiku coming […]


β€œIt is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Every day humans are making choices. Choices about where we live, what we do for work, where we go for play. We choose how we think, feel, and […]


It was 1:53 AM when he got up to pee. Faint shadows from the streetlight danced lazily on the wall. It had been almost midnight when she got to sleep, but she forced her eyes to open sufficiently and adjust to the darkness. He expected it, and she predictably said, “It is 2 o’clock. We […]