Things Said and Unsaid

How was it that her whole life could be distilled down to that simple truth? Words mattered. Her life had been defined by things said and unsaid….

Winter Garden: A Novel by Kristin Hannah

Yesterday morning on my bike ride I had one of those mundane moments that reveal such eternal truth it almost takes […]

Dissent with Love


Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.

~ James Baldwin (

Group 2 sharing last evening was active with exploring the question of the value of being ordained (in Buddhism). This was not so much an intellectual discussion, but a […]

Momentum Being Gathered

For years I have been fascinated by a particular wind feature in the Memorial Garden at our local hospice office. There is something inspired about the way the moving parts cooperate. I only visit on days the offices are closed. Today was one of those welcome days.

As I leaned against the utility case […]

July 16

The passion to alleviate suffering is itself part of the path, you know. To whatever degree we are able to do that.

And to honor that place in us that wishes to see the world as different.

~ Beverly Lanzetta, “Engage 2022“

Today is a momentous day in human history, when 13,152 Jews […]

Dear Heart

Several times yesterday I felt great sadness and compassion for my body. This is likely the result of talking to my primary doctor about what I observe related to blood pressure and heart rate. She said the medications are not causing the things I am observing, so it makes her wonder about my heart. I […]

Moments of Choice

If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~ African proverb

Several weeks ago I saw a coyote pup in the field adjacent to Pilgrim Congregational UCC Church, directly across from our park. I mentioned it in a previous post titled: Coyote Pup and Purposeful Purse Project. […]

It’s a Gift

And I said to my body, softly, “I want to be your friend.”

It took a long breath. And replied, “I have been waiting my whole life for this.”

~ Nayyirah Waheed

Speaking about his book, All for Love: The Transformative Power of Holding Space, Matt Kahn shares,”I look back at these times and […]

Out-flowing – Getting Free (By Setting Others Free)

Thought for Today

Imagine a whole world of beings deeply committed to expressing themselves with some kind of beauty, not necessarily physical beauty but beauty of generosity of spirit, of kindness. Imagine a world where this can flourish. Here we have the imaginal cells at work.

So, if we talk about what conditions are […]

Transient Global Amnesia

I will surrender to my greatest highest good. I will release any fear that blocks my way. For every step I take is taken in pure faith, And I am stronger every moment every day.

(Lyrics) Morning Prayer, I Surrender by Karen Drucker

In 2012, following the hysterechtomy to remove a 22 cm ovarian […]

Walking in Wonder

Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God puts it this way: Life works out in the process of Life Itself. All you have to do is trust that it will, and allow it to.

My blood pressure was 126/80 at the doctor’s office on Monday afternoon. I reported that I am doing deep work with […]