My Side

Where has the month of February gone? I know one week of it was spent with a friend who was going through a painful time. Without sharing personal details, suffice it to say, it is easy for some people to pretend they are something they are not.

What did “he” think? For sure, he […]

How Do I Look?

Even in a world that’s being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong.


At no time more than right now, remaining brave and strong is an important reminder. It seems there are more than the usual things to be distressed or discouraged about. In our personal lives, in our communities, in our nation, on […]

Pearls from Clams: Cinquain

Does it make sense to you that when you keep bumping into something in your life, it is about you rather than just about what (or whom) you are bumping in to? That has been happening for me again. I enjoyed using a new poetry form to gain insight and freedom.

The form of […]

Old Enough

Do you remember wanting to be old enough for kindergarten? Old enough to stay home alone? Old enough to babysit? Old enough to drive a car? Old enough to vote or drink?

Remember when you thought forty was old?

One of the best things about age is its relativity. I was mother to a […]

Happy Birthday Bradley!

Twenty-seven years ago today, I became a grandma. Grandparenting has been and is one of the most glorious roles of my life, but I often say I went kicking and screaming into it. I was only thirty-nine when our daughter, Stacey, told us she was expecting. I was working full time. I did volunteer work. […]

Here we are!

My precious friend, Erin Hamilton, is one of the most courageous women I know, and I know a lot of really courageous women!

Erin opened her December blog post this week with the words, “Here we are.” Erin is writing about the birth of her twins, Lennox and Ella. Lennox will be celebrating his […]