The Same Blue Supermoon Shines in Every Back Yard

The moon again provides a backdrop for the Yellow Brick Road (see my previous post, Waning Gibbous Moon).

A friend lives in Colorado where the skies are almost always clear. Each month he takes a photo of the full moon and sends it to me. (If you are not able to see the photo below, […]


This post might be considered “The High Road Part 2.”

I learned to think of re-spect as the willing to look again and again.

I am not attending an eight-day workshop Healing and the Everhealed with Barbara Brodsky (January 23-30). It was very odd to not be guided to attend, especially given that my […]

The Appearance of Things

It has been three years since I first watched the film Cloud Atlas, yet, after watching it again this week my fingers move over the keys trying to create an outlet for my unspeakable emotions. I confess that the watching did not cause my emotions, but it has amplified feelings long buried within my psyche.
