Looking for the True Self

Wow… I had a very unskillful time of things at the Jam last evening. When John and I arrived there were only two others there and one of the guys asked me to drum on the first and third beat only. He played a bit of a song he was going to do, and he […]

This Day’s Dawn

Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement. ~ Jack Kornfield

This day’s dawn comes on the heels of a dark night. Actually, every day’s dawn does.

Last evening we took John to my primary. She agreed with the medicine list. She encouraged patience and confidence in the specialists he will […]

Grief 2 Growth: Planted, Not Buried

One must have chaos in oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Recently I had a very tender sharing with a dear friend. It was tender because each of us is doing the best we can to love one another and that process isn’t always neat and tidy.


Filter Bubbles

The one you seek, is the one who seeks. Therefore, It’s not “I” who reads spiritual books; it is not “I” who sits ZAZEN, paying attention to body, BREATH, and mind. IT is not “I” who let’s go of everything, but THIS, only THIS! ~ Jerry Ashmore, posted in Empty Circle Zen Group

Most of […]