Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Today is my birthday.

As my birthday ritual I did an audio Mudita meditation with John Orr from an online retreat day April 11, 2021. Mudita is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means “sympathetic joy” or “appreciative pleasure”. It’s a Buddhist concept that involves feeling joy for the good fortune of others.

The […]


This post might be considered “The High Road Part 2.”

I learned to think of re-spect as the willing to look again and again.

I am not attending an eight-day workshop Healing and the Everhealed with Barbara Brodsky (January 23-30). It was very odd to not be guided to attend, especially given that my […]

2021 – A True Spiritual Path

Deep Spring Center Thought for Today December 31, 2020

So often beings have a limited view of spiritual life that creates a duality in themselves, so that they only see themselves as ‘being spiritual’ when they’re being kind and loving.

When painful emotions arise, then they think, ‘I am no longer being spiritual. I […]