3 Faces of Happiness

“No matter how someone is acting, they want to be happy.” ~ Lion’s Roar

Jerry Ashmore, senior teacher at Empty Circle Zen group shared this opening quote in his dharma talk this morning. As an aside, if you are looking for a wonderful Zen sitting with teachings, this group meets on Zoom twice per week: […]

Muy agradecida. Muy agradecido.

How can I wish for myself what I do not wish for everybody, including those I think of as my worst enemies?

~ Aaron

Another drive across the state of Florida, this time for our second vaccine, and this time we know where we are going. We are going to an ALL Spanish-speaking pharmacy near […]

Comedy Can be Calming

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.”

~ Julian of Norwich

I heard a story years ago (and have shared it numerous times when appropriate) about a couple who arrived home with their newly purchased motor home. As they attempted to get it into their […]


“Being engaged in a struggle may give us a sense of security, so that at least we feel that we are doing something.”

~ The Heart of the Buddha, by Chögyam Trungpa

It is another of those amplified times with a roller coaster of emotions. Several dynamics in my life account for the ride, but […]

A Dios Mio

Imagine our surprise to realize we had arrived at an ALL (perhaps I should say ONLY) Spanish-speaking pharmacy for our first covid vaccine in Hialeah, Florida, on Monday….

I would be lying if I said I was not nervous.

Hell, I was nervous before we drove across the state of Florida.

Seeing […]

DO What YOU Can

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: The ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

Tapping with Scarlett Lewis of The Forgiveness Project during the World Tapping Summit, my heart opened deeply related to […]

Grief Journey

One of the women at Grief Journey yesterday said she reads everything she can about death. For her, this interest was triggered by the passing of her husband. This morning I received an email message about this book:

Another woman shared yesterday how her 99 and 1/2 year-old father is still wanting to […]

Coming Full Circle

When we come full circle, there is often the feeling that we have arrived in a familiar place, but that we ourselves are somehow different.

~ Daily Om

I have been obsessed with taking photos of the sky again.

This morning I was text-chatting about the changing nature […]

The Best of Bhutan

“Bhutan’s approach as a Buddhist country, a country that values Gross National Happiness, is different from a typical technocratic approach.” ~ Tenzing Lamsang, an investigative journalist and editor of The Bhutanese

Those who know me well are well aware I rarely read news. Today, I was drawn to read the article about Bhutan’s experience […]

One Piece at a Time

one breath at a time letting it all go again heart breaking open

how many times now? an eternity of time one more breath dear one

one more breath again what more can one do than this? eternity now…

~ A Haiku by Debra Basham February 4, 2021

Just prior to this haiku coming […]