Posted March 31, 2016 in Monthly News


I am one of the more apolitical individuals I know, but I care deeply what is happening in our world. I remember Abraham Hicks saying that politics are outside of the vortex. That resonates with me.

I value playing fair, thinking win-win, and collaborating rather than competing. You don’t have to look very hard to get why I think of myself as not fitting well into the current political culture.

I have spent the past week participating in the World Tapping Summit. It is an enormous gift of talent and inspiration, given freely to the world. Each day two or more experts share an experiential tapping talk/session on a different topic. When the subject is one I do not currently consciously relate to in my personal life, I tap along with the intention for the benefits to go to someone I know who needs them, or anyone who needs these particular benefits whether I know that person or not. I love knowing I am making a difference.

A few months ago, a Canadian writer colleague of mine wrote and said, “Don’t worry, Debra, if Trump gets elected you can come here to live.”

Many people seem alarmed at the current political climate in the US. In the March 2016 Celestial Timings, Shamanic Astrologer, Cayelin K. Castell, writes:

Saturn’s passage through Sagittarius inspires us to revisit what we believe about growth, evolution and the spiritual path. This is because Saturn job is to create a reality that reflects our collective beliefs. As we change our perception (or awareness/consciousness) of what is true, what is spiritual, and what truly has meaning for us, the structure of our reality changes. This is similar to the idea of how what we envision and dream is what becomes our reality.

It is clear that what is playing out in the Political Arena in the USA this year is placing a spotlight on all the limiting belief that are not working. The insanity seems to be getting bigger as Neptune and Jupiter also square Saturn this year. What kind of world are we really co-creating. Are we stepping up to be conscious co-creators and it may be time to take responsibility for not only our personal experience but also our collective one.
If you are serious about your willingness to take responsibility for not only your personal experience but also our collective one, how does that change things for you now?

This morning I played with a poetry writing prompt. The instructions were to take a single collection of poems and make a list of the last two words from each poem, then write your own poem using only these words. At first, I was to limit the poem to the vocabulary from the list. After a couple of drafts, I could stray from the limited words to help bring the poem to its full realization. The instructions were shared by my Pine Island Writers President, From Poets and Writers Poetry Prompts.

I chose the last two words from a collection of 9 Mary Oliver poems.
  1. could save
  2. something better
  3. of things
  4. a star
  5. to pray
  6. your life
  7. morning light
  8. the universe
  9. of dust

Here is the draft using only those words:
Your life, of dust; of things?
Something better?
To pray…
Could save the universe; morning light, a star.

And here is the expanded poem using just a few more words:
Longing for something better
Pray to the universe—celebrate a star—dance in the morning light
These are some of the things worthy of longing for
Turning longing into loving could save your life

It is easy for me to write about these larger truths of Life with a capital “L.” My heart is filled with optimism for things in the long run. But what is an appropriate way to think about politics and other worldly concerns? For sure, it is best to not think about them with a heart filled with worry.

One thing that was new, or at least amplified, in this year’s Tapping Summit was the frequent reference to the collective. When using the phrase, “I forgive myself,” it was often expanded to include, “and everyone else involved.” Tapping for an infant, you tap on your own face and body. You share the benefits. You can tap to transform childhood traumas, birth traumas, and ancestral traumas. How does it get any better than that?

Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, was one of the experts on the Summit. She shared about the amazing shifts for women in this country in the past one hundred years: about being one of the first women allowed in medical school, and how her mother could not get a loan in her own name after being divorced. It is almost impossible to fathom that women were not allowed to vote in this country until 1920. I am thinking we should have a huge celebration in 2020. Maybe I will go to the polls….

For sure, just as my personal experience is changing, so is the collective. Let’s vote. Vote for more love, more wisdom, more compassion, more grace. I vote for freedom from guilt, fear, and pain.

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