Posted February 28, 2019 in Monthly News

Nikki's Great Adventure

A Sacred Story titled ‘Unseen Helping Hands’ was posted on February 7, 2015. Do you see them too? Rich opportunities are happening every day, experiences inviting greater trust in life.

On Tuesday, the woman who has hosted our peace meditation every Tuesday in her home for about 20 years wasn’t at meditation. She recently moved out of her large home, so a neighbor who has attended for years is now hosting the gathering.

Our leader had not been there the previous two weeks, but she had made contact letting everyone know she was under the weather and would not be there. None of us had heard from her on this past Tuesday, so there was some exploration about her absence.

One of the attendees called her cell phone. No answer.

I kept hearing her voice in my head saying, “All is well.”

I had no idea what that meant, but during meditation I had a sense of her communicating, “Too late now. Nothing can be done, so just let it go.”

A couple of days later, she let me know what had happened that day.

In the morning she knew about meditation being at 1 o’clock now. When the location changed, so did the time, and the meditation has been anchored in her body at 3 o’clock for years.

She went out to lunch with friends. At 12:59, still at the restaurant, she looked at her watch and realized she could not get there in time. It was too late to call.

Friday, a friend posted this on Facebook:

Well, the Stars were certainly aligned today, and I’m so grateful I was in the right place at the right time! My boss asked me to run to town at noon to pick up a part. I told him I needed to run home and let my dogs out first.

As I was walking out my door with my dogs, my friend Nancy T drove up on her golf cart and said, “Sad news, Nikki is missing!” Nancy seemed convinced that Nikki (her sweet little dog) had been picked up! Those two are hardly ever apart and Nikki just doesn’t wander too far!

I was shocked but continued on my walk being aware, and looking for Nikki. I decided the best thing I could do is get her photo on Facebook for help in finding her! Everybody knows Nancy & Nikki!

Walking home, I had my head down looking for photos to post and all the while feeling rushed to leave for town. I heard a funny “grunting” noise that I thought was a manatee. I went on the neighbor’s dock to look but didn’t see anything. At first I wondered if it was Nikki. I called and called and listened but no movements or sound. All of a sudden, I heard it again. I thought it was coming from the neighbors dock. I got down to look and in the very corner Nikki was IN THE WATER HANGING ONTO THE BARNACLES!!

I told her to hang on and I ran to my neighbor house, jumped on his boat and grabbed his dip net. Then I knocked loud on his door, and when he stuck his head out I yelled, “Come help me!”

He ran and we got Nikki out of the water!!!!!

She was probably in the water for more than 2 hours!!!!!

She’s home and all is well!

I was shaking for hours! I’m REALLY grateful I was at the right place at the right time and he was home to help me out!! Nikki is OK and that’s what is important!  💔

If her boss had not asked her to make that trip, she would not have been there at the time she was. If she had not paid attention to what she heard, Nikki likely would not have lasted much longer in the water hanging on by her teeth.

As she said, the Stars were certainly aligned so she was in the right place at the right time!

This morning I could not find my keys.  I looked everywhere. John looked everywhere. I am not one who leaves my keys around. They are in my purse, my fanny pack when I am on my bike, or in my phone sash when I am walking. We looked in the freezer, in the fridge, in every drawer, every waste basket. We went through the trash and the recycling. We retraced my steps and drove yesterday’s bike route.

Now, I don’t have one of those purses that could carry a week’s laundry, and a dozen doughnuts. I have a small purse, and we had both looked through it thoroughly more than once.

“Well, missing keys or no missing keys, we still need to go shopping,” I said.

I rehearsed the mantra out loud, “What is mine, comes back to me.” And as I got into the car, I said through gritted teeth: “If they hid them, they did a good job.”

Driving to the store, I inner asked if the keys were in the house. I did not get a confirmation. Nothing in my experience convinced me I had put them somewhere.

Having completed our errands, driving home I opened my purse to get out my water bottle.

There were my keys!

These keys are not tiny and my purse is not large.

These events carry a theme. Nikki’s Great Adventure did not happen in a vacuum. Nothing does. Might the time spent searching for the keys have allowed us to avoid some mishap? Did the meditation teacher’s acceptance of missing the group allow her message to come through?

Best we be intentional about what we believe. What is real about unseen helping hands?

What is real about Nikki’s Great Adventure? What is your intention about life? What do you believe?

It matters.

It matters a lot.

“For those who believe,

no proof is necessary.

For those who don’t believe,

no proof is possible.”

~ Stuart Chase



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