You ARE Love

What is my definition of heartbreak?

heartbreak (noun): the vast pain that we suffer in response to our expectations
not being met in some way.
A facet of reality as a human being.

So if you’re experiencing heartbreak,
be it romantic, in your work life,
or if you feel let down by society overall,
I’m here for you.

Love Hurts:
Buddhist Advice for the Heartbroken

by Lodro Rinzler

I did not expect to be writing about heartbreak ten days before Christmas, but these words from Shambhala Publications seem so relevant.

Yesterday was the birthday of my dear friend, Claudia. Today, Claudia’s beloved husband, Wayne, was settled into the memory care unit of a facility about ten minutes from their home. Expectations not being met in some way? You bet.

One year ago, another friend, Erin, gave birth to twins knowing her daughter, Ella, had anencephaly. Ella packed a lifetime of memories into her short three-and-one-half-days. Heartbroken? Understandably so. (See About Our Ella.)

A family member is waiting for biopsy results, having received a diagnosis of cancer last week. A facet of reality as a human being.

I cannot address in one blog post all of the people I know who are heartbroken about life, and those feeling let down by society overall.

Last evening, Claudia and her adult daughter, Carmen, and I sat on my living room sofa wrapped in warm blankets. Zoom transported us into a spiritual group meeting being held a few hours away where we met with friends in Texas and Michigan and Canada. The message was one of love. Not just that you are loved, but that you ARE love.

While at retreat in October I wrote in my journal, “I want to celebrate Christmas.” (See Jesus Loves Me.)

Celebrating Christmas is not about buying presents, but it is about gifts. It was a gift to make a birthday dinner for Claudia, and a gift to be with our spiritual friends via technology. It will be a gift to spend time with Erin tomorrow, honoring Ella’s powerful life.

Although it is early, I am making my New Years resolution: Live what Wayne said the last morning he woke up in their home, “What I know to be true is love is all that’s real.”

Well said, Wayne.

YOU are love.

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