Posted February 16, 2014 in Debra’s Wellness Tips


“If you are going through hell, keep going.”
~ Winston Churchill

I would guess you, like me, are encouraged when you see the way the human body/mind/spirit is able to preserve through amazing challenges. I have a friend who lost a leg to cancer. She has done some stand-up comedy for those going through cancer and says she knows how important it is to be able to laugh. One of her lines is about having a leg to stand on.

Danielle Orner has Cancer Survivor, Actress, Writer, and Motivational Speaker on her Facebook profile, along with this quotation: “Life is about discovering the beauty in our ugliness, the peace in our uncertainty, the strength in our weakness, and the love in our fear.”

Monday, July 30, 2012, Danielle’s story of perseverance titled “Cancer Took My Leg But Not My Spirit” was posted by Jen Pastiloff. If it is humanly possible for you to do so, you will be touched if you read the entire article. Danielle may just inspire you to take up yoga.

Yoga defies expectations. Over the years I’ve watched people walk into class with an array of expectations of what yoga will be for them: easy, torturous, simply exercise, youth-restoring, spiritual, woo-woo, relaxing, boring, weird, and life-changing. Once you begin your practice, you learn to give up those labels and just show up. In each of my classes, I never know what is coming next. I never know if it will be something I can do or something I have to work on or something I’ll never be able to master. I’m okay with that now. I’m okay with showing up to uncertainty.

Yoga helps me realize that life is a combination of practice and letting go.

If Danielle’s words alone are not enough to inspire you, breathe in this amazing photo.


This week, be inspired. Whatever you are going through in your life, keep going until you discover something that does for you what yoga did for Danielle.

This week’s health tip originally appeared online at

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Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips

Small Changes … Infinite Results™

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 
~Mother Teresa


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