Most people agree that your enjoying your ideal weight is a worthy goal. Would it be fantastic if that is the most natural thing in the world? Let’s take a look at some healthy eating basics, and then a quick peek into some of the world’s healthiest diets.
In an obvious manner, you cannot live without eating. In a not-so-obvious way, you cannot eat something you believe will make you fat and be thin. Your developing a healthy relationship with food now will allow you to enjoy healthy eating behaviors, and you can again realize that you do have control over your health and your life.
Small changes can, and do, over time, prove significant. It may have been quite overwhelming to think about losing fifty pounds, but it is a rare person who would be overwhelmed at the thought of losing an ounce. And one small step at a time will yield impressive results as you begin to think and act like a naturally thin person.
You can use mind-body tips for healthy eating habits and begin to notice what you eat that makes you “feel” fat, and what you think that allows you to be thin. By looking at how naturally thin people are naturally thin, you will unlock your body wisdom.
1. Make it easy to do the things that are good for you. Get into the habit of asking yourself what you are really hungry for. Rather than make anything forbidden, be a realist instead of a perfectionist, and only eat certain things for special occasions.
2. Find ways to recognize that you are connected to and important to others in the world. Consider developing the regular practice of journaling, and start blogging, or enjoying social networking like Facebook or MySpace.
3. Do something with your hands. Whether you enjoy a craft like scrapbooking or needlepoint, or just squeeze bubble wrap, sometimes doing a repetitive action that you are able to do without having to think really hard lowers stress.
4. Support your choices visually. Plate your food before putting it on the table. That way you will easily avoid multiple servings just because the food is there.
5. Notice all the things that nourish you. Poetry, music, pets, exercise, nature…. Become aware of the ways the little joys of life fill you up and result in your feeling satisfied.
6. Pamper your body. Get a massage. Enjoy energy work. Take a soaking bath with Epsom salt. Rub your temples and scalp. Learn reflexology or practice the Self Full Body Connection. You may appreciate the version that uses the words to the familiar Christian “Our Father” prayer. Use a tennis ball to soothe the bottom of your foot while you are sitting at your desk. Apply a hand lotion that has essential oils in it. You can learn to become your own masseuse.
7. Start today to do the things you love to do. Make a “bucket list” and find ways to think about those things that you enjoy thinking about. Enjoy searching online. Get creative.
And according to Corrie Pikul, here are some of the world’s healthiest diets:
- Brazil: Beans and rice at most every meal (together they make a complete protein)
- Burma: Meats only as a “side” dish
- France: Oodles of in-season veggies
- India: Spicy dishes with turmeric (angiogenesis stops the growth of fat cells)
- Japan: Foods as separate items rather than one-dish meal (enhances color, texture, taste)
- Thailand: Chilies so hot you drink more water and fill up more quickly
This week, you can enjoy planning and you can enjoy everything you experience along the way. You will have more fun as you are eating to live, rather than living to eat.
This week’s health tip originally appeared online at
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Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
Rev.Debra Basham
Voice: (269) 921-2217
http://SurgicalSupport.infoSmall Changes … Infinite Results™“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~Mother Teresa