Nowhere is stress more likely than in the workplace.
Twenty-five percent of people say that their job is the primary stressor in their lives.
Job stress can affect your professional and personal relationships, your livelihood, and your health.
The good news is that you’re not powerless.
You can learn better ways of coping with stress.
~ Mayo Clinic Staff
While work stress has been considered the most common stressor, with an increased awareness you can lower your work stress. Give some of these stress busters at chance to make a difference for you:
- Change your shoes and listen to music or use aromatherapy on the way home to help you leave your job at work.
- Put a small mirror near your work station so you can catch a glimpse of yourself to remind you to put a smile on your face.
- Have a special “water” glass, cup, or bottle so you stay hydrated on the job.
- Keep a stress inventory for one week and then prioritize solutions (take the bus rather than fight the traffic; have a neighbor pick up your son; make lunches for the week on Sunday evening; etc.) you can implement one at a time.
- Walk on your lunch break, or book slots of “me” time on your business calendar.
- Vary your routine by entering or leaving by different doors, or taking your laptop and spending some work time out in nature.
- Create a gratitude list for the interpersonal connections you find easy to appreciate. If it is challenging to identify them at first, prime the pump by practicing some random acts of kindness.
- Keep a tennis ball at your desk and slip your shoe off and roll the ball back and forth under the arch of your foot for about a minute noticing how tender areas release.
- Coach stressful thoughts right out of your head by using your logic to do a “reframe.” If you have to work late, affirm the truth that you are fortunate to have a job. When something unexpected happens, realize that your brain is growing new neuronal patterns. If you get passed over for a promotion, appreciate the ease offamiliarity of tasks.
- The more stressful a situation is the more important it is to remember to breathe…. breathe…. breathe….
This week notice what a difference these make. Choose your favorites, and then share them with at least one friend, family member, or co-worker, saying how well they are working.
This week, begin to be intentional about addressing the cause of problems, rather than simply treating the symptoms.
![]() | Rev. Debra Basham Voice: (269) 921-2217 Email: Small Changes … Infinite Results “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~Mother Teresa Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips |