Posted December 14, 2013 in Language Tips

Wish List

The problem with most wants, wishes, and desires is that they tend to imply lack or need. Wanting to lose weight, for example, sends the message too fat to the unconscious mind in the same way a negative command, such as “Don’t think of elephants,” directs the unconscious mind toward the undesired thought.

One of the hazards of affirmations is that they often “affirm” something the person doesn’t believe: “I am my ideal weight and enjoy perfect health.” Because everyone is “in process,” everyone can know that he or she is becoming better. Émile Coué, the “father” of affirmations, used a simple sentence: “Every day in every way I am getting better and better.” It is hard to argue with the possibility of progress even when “backsliding” of one sort or another occurs. We have goals we are willing to work toward, and affirmations facilitate that process.

In some cases there is disbelief that something better is possible. In those situations, it is beneficial to have a “Wish List” of things you would like to have but aren’t necessarily going to work for directly. These are things you can desire with full conviction, and your unconscious mind will know you are sincere about the desire.

Many of us might put world peace on that list. You might also reflect on cultural, social, or economic values—such as justice, compassion, and fully integrated healing practices. Think about this list as you’re letting the Universe/Life/God know what you want.

If you sense discouragement or lack of motivation in your patients or clients, encourage them to title their list, “It would be wonderful if….” because you are more willing to participate on your own behalf as you relax completely, allowing responsibility for the whole solution to come from more than just your own efforts. Once disbelief has been challenged, in ways we have not yet even imagined, imagining how it would be wonderful if opens up possibilities.

Send your questions about how other-than-conscious communication skills can hurt or help your patients and clients to Joel P. Bowman ( or Debra Basham (, co-developers of Subtle Communication Systems. We will provide answers to those for you. For more information about Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy, or about the Imagine Healing Process, visit: or
HwL-CoverHealing with Language: Your Key to Effective Mind-Body Communication is available for a limited time for $10 plus $5 shipping within the U.S. For volume orders and overseas shipping, check with Debra. See the Table of Contents and List of Exercises in PDF format for more information about this comprehensive text and training manual.

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