Posted May 4, 2019 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

Reaching in to place some out-going mail inside, she saw something in the mailbox at the end of their driveway. She pulled out her husband’s wallet.

He had lost that wallet almost 3 years ago!

He had already stopped carrying credit cards and money, so they didn’t worry much at the time he lost it. They figured it would turn up at home in some crazy place at some time.

The wallet was in good condition. His driver’s license and a couple of notes were still there.

Her husband was now in a facility with advanced Alzheimer’s Disease. She had recently been feeling quite nervous about plans for her to be out-of-state for a few weeks.

As she pulled his wallet out of the mailbox, holding it in her hand, the smiley face he had put on it years ago was looking up at her.

She knew it was telling her to not worry about him and to go and fully enjoy the time with kids and grandkids!

These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. Do you have a story to share? Send email to

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