It is probably no surprise to any of us that men and women are different. We know about Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, but what might not be so obvious is how the hormones that affect our relationships also affect our health.
According to Carol Peterson, RPh, CNP, “When trying to reduce or deal with stress, men release testosterone and women release oxytocin (a pituitary hormone). Low testosterone level effects men’s life a lot. There is a special replacement therapy to increase testosterone level, if you take care of your health. Ironically, high cortisol levels can interfere with the normal production of both testosterone and oxytocin, hampering both men and women from their attempts at stress reduction.”
While both men and women will probably improve their relationships and their health by making sure their hormones are balanced, in addition to the benefit of bio-identical hormones, relationships can be improved by some very helpful guidelines from Seat of the Soul author Gary Zukav:
- Focus on what I can learn about myself all the time, especially from my reactions (such as anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, and impatience), instead of judging or blaming others or myself.
- Pay attention to my emotions by feeling the physical sensations in my energy centers (such as my chest, solar plexus, and throat areas).
- Pay attention to my thoughts (such as judging, analyzing, comparing, daydreaming, planning my reply, etc., or thoughts of gratitude, appreciation, contentment, openness to Life, etc.).
- Pay attention to my intention (such as blaming, judging, needing to be right, seeking admiration, escaping into thoughts [intellectualizing], trying to convince, etc., or cooperating, sharing, creating harmony, and revering Life).
Peterson says, “[F]undamental substances that play an important role in relationships include the hormones insulin and serotonin, and glucose (blood sugar). Every cell in the body needs a consistent supply of glucose to function, and insulin is the gatekeeper that controls how it is utilized. The brain is particularly sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar, altering our moods, decision-making abilities and other aspects of relationships.”
In the same way that blood sugar affects emotions and emotions affect blood sugar, hormones affect our emotions and our emotions affect our hormones. Men may need time to unwind, and women may need to talk to friends, take a warm bath, or get a massage. You may appreciate reading Peterson’s entire article, The Hormones of Relationship.
This week, be aware of your emotions and intentions around all of your relationships, and choose bio-identical hormone supplements if that would be helpful. Your having healthy relationships may be both the result and cause of your maintaining (or regaining) a healthy hormonal balance.
This week’s health tip originally appeared online at
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Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev.Debra Basham
Voice: (269) 921-2217 Email: Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~Mother Teresa |