Holistic methods are designed to affect all of the body’s organs and systems at the same time. Years ago I read an article that was designed to prove that Healing Touch was fake. The writer had a Healing Touch session and wrote that nothing happened, except relaxation. I don’t even remember where I read it, or who wrote it, but I recall the heart of the message. “Sure, I found it deeply relaxing. Yes, I was able to calm my mind. True, I slept well after, but nothing really happened.”
Oh, my…. Thinking about this now after just having gone through a major surgery myself (including having survived post-surgical complications that led to a cardiac incident), I am living proof that when science might think nothing is happening, sometimes the most important changes are occurring on levels more subtle than bones and blood alone might indicate. Emma (shown in the photo) is just one of the angels who assisted in my healing.
Principle Number 5: Treat Whole Systems
Church reminds readers that stress-reduction methods are the opposite of a magic bullet. He says they are instead a magic wand, “capable of creating head-to-toe physical transformation in moments.”
This is true because reversing the fight-or-flight response improves everything:
- causes the blood to flow back out to the peripheral muscles and into the digestive tract
- blood is available to the reproductive organs
- breathing deepens
- muscle activity slows
- all the tissues of the body receive more oxygen
- blood flows back into the frontal lobes of the brain
- blood pressure drops
- blood sugar drops
Church makes the point that you have just improved digestion, sexual function, mental acuity, circulation, and cell rejuvenation, and all at the same time! He says if there were a drug that could do this, it truly would be a miracle drug.
You can do this by learning and practicing your relaxation response. And simply by improving your emotions, you “initiate the epigenetic signals that shift your gene expression toward health.”
Church reminds readers that natural methods of raising serotonin, such as meditation, yoga, energy medicine, and optimism, come without any of the risks of taking a drug (such as seratonin reuptake inhibitors known as SSRIs) and avoids the common practice of prescribing a second procedure to limit the negative side effects of the first drug.
He says we can begin now teaching children simple stress-reduction techniques and lifestyle skills that improve our health and well-being by reducing overall stress.
“Holistic medicine approaches every symptom as an expression occurring within an integrated energy system, and finds the leverage points that bring that whole energy system back into balance.”
If you would like some excellent resources for yoga for children, visit the website of my good friends Don and Marsha Wenig from Yoga Kids at Yoga Kids Catalog
If you would appreciate learning about the importance of proper breathing, check out Breathingwell.com.au and watch the video with Roger Smith. Breathing well was just one of the many tools for treating whole systems that helped get me back into the swing of life.
This week begin to notice how much better you feel when your whole energy system is in balance. (edited and reposted from 2010)
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Rev. Debra BashamVoice: (269) 921-2217
Email: debra@scs-matters.com https://scs-matters.com http://ImagineHealing.info http://SurgicalSupport.info Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~Mother Teresa Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips |