Posted March 26, 2016 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She had a back brush she would use to scratch her back when it itched. She kept the brush on the floor next to her bed.
One night, soon after her husband died, when she turned down her bed, the brush was in their bed!
This is my simple religion. There is […]
Posted January 30, 2016 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Following her husband’s death, she found seeing it too painful, so the helium balloon he had given her was put in the guest room, out of sight.
On the anniversary of his passing, though deflated for many long months, that balloon re-inflated and floated out of the bedroom, down the hallway, and […]
Posted January 23, 2016 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Adjusting to the passing of her brother included her move to Florida.
She was delighted by the Sandhill Cranes, but naïve to the connection with her brother until one particular crane that had consistently followed her around in the yard pecked at a glass hummingbird she had placed in a flower pot until […]
Posted January 9, 2016 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
This man’s memory of his having being saved by a horn honk is still alive after over fifty years. He writes:
I was driving north on Bayshore for a date with my then-girlfriend. The speed limit was 55. Traffic was, as usual, heavy. I was listening to the radio and pretty-much lost […]
Posted January 2, 2016 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She went swimming one day, and as she was looking at the clouds, she thought, “I should have asked Chrissie when she was alive, that once she passed, I would know what that sign might be.”
So she thought, “Okay, Chrissie, just give me a sign, any sign.”
As she was driving home, […]
Posted November 28, 2015 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
It was rainy, cold, and dark—exactly how she felt—when she saw the deflated helium balloon on the ground in the park. Her heart was filled with grief and disdain as she grabbed the trash and tossed it into the back seat of her car. She had made the long (out-of-state) trip back to […]
Posted November 21, 2015 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Preparing to meet with a client, she noticed a card was in the wrong deck. These decks were not even on the same shelf. It seemed odd.
When she later asked the client about any visits or messages from loved ones in spirit, the client said she would often know she had […]
Posted September 19, 2015 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham She had just watched a bumble bee pollinate every flower in the flower pot, before the special black hummingbird showed up. (See August 1, 2015 Sacred Stories Hummingbird: He is All Around Me)
He kept buzzing back and forth in front of her. Then he landed on the feeder and stared into their Mom’s window […]
Posted July 4, 2015 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Her husband’s unofficial nickname was “Young Buck.” Before his children were fully grown, he died.
Several years after his father’s death, their then young-adult son came home with an unusual t-shirt he had bought. It was a white collared shirt with a young buck partially hidden behind the pocket. She was sure […]
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