Posted April 16, 2017 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Incredible Eggs!

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Whether you are celebrating Easter as a religious holiday or a secular opportunity to enjoy time with friends and family, no wellness tip posted on Easter would be complete without mention of eggs!

I am not talking about those sugary, sickening sweet, mallow eggs, nor the chocolate and caramel Cadbury variety, I […]

Posted April 2, 2017 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Whole Grains

Debra’s Wellness Tips

A study found that people who ate whole grains burned off more calories at rest than those who did not.

For the study, researchers recorded the weight, metabolic rate, blood glucose, fecal calories, hunger and fullness for 81 participants over an eight week period. After an initial period of two weeks […]

Posted October 1, 2016 in Sacred Stories

Found It!

Sacred Stories

When her brother passed unexpectedly, she went to the cemetery to offer prayers. Her children were meeting her there. She got some flowers and picked up some small stones to bring to the grave. The office gave her a map to find the section, but she had no idea where the specific grave […]

Posted September 3, 2016 in Sacred Stories

Miss Ellie

Sacred Stories

They had just attended their 49th consecutive annual family reunion. It was the first one ever attended without their mother.

As they were driving home, a vehicle towing a boat passed them. The name of the boat was Miss Ellie.

Miss Ellie was the term of endearment their sister-in-law used […]

Posted August 7, 2016 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Pattern of Eating

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Although experts don’t yet agree on how much fat we should be consuming, most agree all fats are not created equal. We do well eating a high ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats, with sources of unsaturated fats including olive and canola oils, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Those words were not what […]

Posted July 23, 2016 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

It was the first roof-top wedding at the resort. The day was sunny and warm. The guests were gathered, waiting for the sunset ceremony. A bee buzzed around. The groom said, “It’s been here all afternoon.”

While reading these words, “Although physical bodies pass away, Love is eternal. We recognize and welcome all […]

Posted June 18, 2016 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

End-over-end ‘rattling’ came from the dryer. She assumed her husband had left a coin in his pocket.

She opened the door: the dryer held only one pair of athletic shorts and two tee-shirts. Nothing with buttons or zippers or snaps to make the noise. She fished the items around, but found no […]

Posted April 9, 2016 in Sacred Stories

Mandarin Oranges!

Sacred Stories

Her most frequent snack of late was mandarin oranges. She was driving on a four-lane road, when—on the dotted line in her lane—she saw a single mandarin orange slice.

Recognizing it as odd, she missed the message of a visit from her husband until the very next day (on a different four-lane road!) […]

Posted April 2, 2016 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

She and her grandson were driving in her car. He was working on his homework, and asked her to turn the radio off. She did, but a block later, the radio came back on!

When she would get into her car, she noticed the bright lights would be on. She knew she never […]