Posted April 1, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
It used to be radical to expect people to shed their shoes when entering a home. Putting a “Thank you for removing your shoes” sign on my door in the 1970’s generated quite the gamut of reactions.
In Scientists Discover Why You Should Take Your Shoes Off Before Entering Your Home […]
Posted March 25, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Winston Churchill said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
From the Greek word, enthousiasmos, enthusiasm is about having passion and being inspired and inspiring.
Scott H. Young says, “Enthusiasm is like any other skill. If it is continually practiced and exercised, it gets better. If […]
Posted March 18, 2018 in Uncategorized By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Walking enthusiasts and running gurus each claim to offer greater health benefits. Many websites help you make sense of the truth and the science comparing walking and running.
Walking is working at a lower intensity, requiring less “quick” energy, so you experience a higher percentage of fat being burned off walking. […]
Posted March 11, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Whether you are talking about having taken a fall or having made a faux pas, not taking ourselves too seriously benefits our mental health.
I still remember having missed a typo (March od Dimes) on a flyer that went to tens of thousands. But how do I feel about it when […]
Posted March 4, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
It has often been said that all solutions breed new problems. This is certainly leaning toward truth regarding vitamin B-12 when you choose a plant-based diet. B12 maintains healthy nerve and red blood cells, and also helps make DNA and RNA, the cells vital for transferring information.
In What /All Plant Based […]
Posted February 25, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
February is often a month when people find themselves feeling down. In the northern US, it is often gray, and it has been quite some time since we were enjoying being out in the warm sunshine. Feeling down and being depressed are not the same thing, however.
Depression can affect your […]
Posted February 18, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Every day we hear the caution to avoid carbs, and some people put fruit on the the top of the no-no list. That might be fiction. The body needs carbs, and fruit is a great source. Here are some common-sense cautions:
A can of soda, for example, has about 40 grams […]
Posted February 11, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Well, it seems that love and companionship is good for your health. People in love and those with good relationships have lower blood pressure, less depression, and report feeling better over all.
We like to hold hands, get hugs, and make whoopie. In most cases, love and wellness go hand-in-hand.
This […]
Posted February 4, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
If you want to put a little kick in your walking speed, you may just want to add chewing gum to your workout.
Roughly, you chew about 75 times per minute, but walk only 60 steps per minute, says Steve Morrison, the director of research at the school of physical therapy […]
Posted January 28, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
As our bodies shrink with age, our feet often seem to get bigger. Our feet are not actually growing but changes in the ligaments can cause our feet to get wider and longer.
Some good advice for foot care regardless of our age includes buying shoes that fit well and feel […]
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