Posted June 16, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Light My Fire

Sacred Stories

After she and her husband retired, he built their dream home. One of his favorite things in the house was a gas fireplace.

She was always cold in the mornings and he would get up and turn on the fireplace.

She often chided him about doing that, saying it used too […]

Posted June 10, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Ooh, poo!

Debra’s Wellness Tips

No one said the information age would be easy. Certainly we are inundated with as much fiction as fact. Even the facts change (such as with margarine or eggs) over time.

According to an article published recently, at least for right now, the opinion seems to be in favor of paper […]

Posted June 9, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Divine Timing for Auto Service

Sacred Stories

She called to get her car in for service. She was hoping for an appointment on Thursday of that week because she was going to be house-bound with some workers coming.

The auto repair shop could not get her car in until the following week on Thursday.

Soon after the workers […]

Posted June 3, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Tick Time Again

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Each year about this time it is good to remember it is tick time again. We all love being outside in the warmth and it is wonderful to enjoy nature. We can be wise and stay well, at this and every time of year.

Please scan some of my past tips […]

Posted May 30, 2018 in Wholesome Thoughts


Wholesome Thoughts

Neale Donald Walsch said the Universe is actually working perfectly and it will prove that to you if you will give it a chance. We don’t need life to move any faster than it is.

Challenged with impatience, send email to, or from within the continental U.S. phone or text (269) […]

Posted May 27, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Ways of Remembering

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Memorial Day is usually thought to be about remembering those men and woman who died in active duty (as a soldier or while serving in the armed forces). Many cultures are better with ways of remembering than our contemporary Western mindset.

For example, I posted a blog titled “Bench Chat” on […]

Posted May 23, 2018 in Wholesome Thoughts


Wholesome Thoughts

Dharma of Dogs is a wonderful book about grief, and this is worth remembering: “Dying might not be pretty, but it is natural.”

If you would like some support dealing with loss and grief, send email to, or from within the continental U.S. phone or text (269) 921-2217.


Posted May 20, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

A Pinch of Salt

Debra’s Wellness Tips

“Salt is what makes things taste bad when it isn’t in them.” – Unknown

We all understand the adverse conditions from eating too much processed food packed with salt. However, salt is essential to all mammals, and that includes you and me.

(See “Different Types of Salt” to learn where different salts […]

Posted May 16, 2018 in Wholesome Thoughts


Wholesome Thoughts

This saying was the Brahma Kumaris thought for the day, “When you give you will realize you have everything you need.”

Have you tried Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to clear emotions of not enough? If not, send email to, or from within the continental U.S. phone or text (269) 921-2217.


Posted May 13, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips


Debra’s Wellness Tips

A celebration of mothers has been part of human history for a very long time. The ancient Greek and Roman traditions are an example of that. In the U.S., “Mother’s Day” has been celebrated since 1906.

Not every individual had a perfect relationship with a physical mother.

Fortunately, some cultures […]