Posted July 21, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She had just driven past the vineyard where she had seen a migrant worker trimming grapes wearing her late husband’s down jacket. She had given the man her husband’s jacket some time ago.
Today, just after she passed the vineyard, the song “He’s Gone Away Beyond the Missouri Sky” started playing on […]
Posted July 15, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Stents (tubular supports placed temporarily inside a blood vessel, canal, or duct to aid healing or relieve an obstruction) are commonly used for relief of chest pain—worldwide more than 500,000 heart patients receive them annually. According to findings published in the prestigious medical journal the Lancet, these invasive heart stents may not […]
Posted July 14, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She loves animals, and put a post on her Facebook page about being involved with a rehome. Someone saw her post and wrote:
Your post brought bittersweet memories… I was part of a Doodle rehome I remember trying so hard to assure the family that Murphy would find a wonderful home. In […]
Posted July 8, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Whether you are religious or agnostic, Christian or Buddhist, old or young, you want to understand the science behind an NBC News report: This is your brain on prayer and meditation.
When we sit down and engage in prayer or meditation, we are able to shift away from this frightened and stressed […]
Posted July 7, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Our sweet new baby was born very premature. She was so tiny, and fragile, and she was having episodes of not breathing from time to time.
I took my angel statue to the hospital and placed it over our sweet baby’s head.
That was the end of breathing episodes.
God […]
Posted July 1, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Where did the goal of walking 10,000 steps a day come from? Ten thousand steps was first popularized by Japanese pedometers in the 1960s under the name “manpo-kei,” which means “10,000 steps meter” as reported by UC Davis Integrative Medicine.
According to according to Michael Roizen, a physician and chief wellness […]
Posted June 30, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She was on her way to her Tuesday afternoon gathering. She called to say that she was running about five minutes later than usual.
“Didn’t you get the email saying I am down with a bug and we are not meeting today?” her friend responded.
She had not received the email […]
Posted June 24, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Most of us have heard that it takes 21 days to generate a new habit. According to a US News report (How Long Does It Really Take to Make Healthy Eating and Exercise a Habit? it takes most of us much longer than that.
For example, in a 2009 European Journal […]
Posted June 23, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She had usually baked a cheesecake for her husband’s birthday. He would have been 63.
She bought a piece of cheesecake to take home.
When she got home and opened the box, inside were two forks dipped in chocolate….
These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. Do […]
Posted June 17, 2018 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Often we let bias and opinion get in our way. I am often shocked to discover that I really enjoy something made with substances I don’t even like. For example, cucumber salsa is delicious, and I don’t even like cucumbers. A friend was over for dinner when I made Risotto. “Fred does […]
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